Saturday, August 25, 2007

Xuxa fala sobre seu polêmico filme "Amor Estranho Amor"

Duration: 01:11 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-19 16:02:09
User: azevedu
:::: Favorites

Xuxa fala sobre seu polêmico filme "Amor Estranho Amor" ao jornalista Amaury Jr. Infelizmente a imagem e o som estão ruins, mas é um dos raros momentos em que ela comentou sobre esse filme.

Anamaedron ::: Favorites
Caralho!! Como tem gente pagando de santo nessa porra. O mlk se deu é bem e ainda ganhou pra isso. Que se dane a Xuxa, ela só atuou, fez oq mandaram ela fazer.
07-08-25 02:09:08
luis1357 ::: Favorites
07-08-24 18:56:26
liviafabri ::: Favorites
A Xuxa é muito engraçadinha! Na época que fez o filme, era uma dura "maria-chuteira" e bem que aproveitou o cachê. Agora com que direito quer proibir a exibição? A cena de pedofilia é uma ironia do destino...ela não imaginava que seu "ganha-brioches" seriam as crianças hahaha A propósito, nem acho que ela seja pedófila, mas uma pessoa sexualmente mal-resolvida (nunca a vejo com homens), ou bem provavelmente é uma lésbica não assumida. Xuxa, seja autêntica!
07-08-24 11:03:13
nightwell ::: Favorites
respeitar o que? quem quer respeito que se dê. pois eh!!!Me diz qual é a diferença de uma prostituta para uma atriz pornô...!!!ambas fazem por dinheiro, ambas são profissionais...nem vem com essa história porque ainda por cima isso é uma pedófila... vamo ve se vc gostaria q a sascha fizesse isso profissionalmente com a idade que ela tem.
07-08-22 13:39:25
paesedison ::: Favorites
se a xuxa nao tem vergonha de nada que ela fez no passado, entao porque mandou retirar o filme de circulacao? escondendo o que??
07-08-20 11:46:43
Mikabelinha ::: Favorites
Tudo profissional???? Tah bom.... deixa que a gente acredite, OK??!!! Depois nao vem mandar a justica retirar esses filme do mercado nao, viu??!!! (pois esse filme eh "completamente profissional"!)
07-08-20 06:09:56
ucancallmeru ::: Favorites
07-08-19 12:18:55
drumsmdc ::: Favorites
humm... foi algo profissional neh dona maria? entao joga a sasha pra fazer um filme no mesmo estilo, mas relaxe, vai ser tudo 'profissional' :)
07-08-18 01:13:50
fbonato ::: Favorites
Não é somente com ela que o Brasil precisa acordar. Digitem aqui no you tube "BEYOND CITIZEN KANE" e vejam documentario da BBC sobre a Rede Globo de como eles manipulam o Brasil!!!
07-08-16 15:02:57
igorquinteiro ::: Favorites
EEEEE Brasilzão..........e nos fizeram aceitar essa pedófila por décadas....E pior......ACEITAMOS.....O Brasil sem memória....
07-08-16 11:33:03
Wilfort ::: Favorites
vagabunda e um trabalho né ? digno de prostituta e o pior com uma criança e pedófila tinha que ser presa mais dai ela tem grana meus filhos nunca assistiram e nunca vão assistir o programa dela e nem utilizar nada dela
07-08-16 01:12:48
jerryaltman ::: Favorites
Esses diretores são uns loucos. Queriam um filme de pedofilia e acharam uma criança para fazer o filme. Os produtores e os pais do garoto são muito mercenários. Veja essa gente, atores e esse povo da TV, vidas cheias de tragédia, drogas, famílias loucas, filhos drogados. E a sociedade ainda admira essa gente, como celebridades ou modelos. Mas que merda de sociedade!
07-08-15 14:22:52
lolitinha21 ::: Favorites
Vc nao teve vergonha???entao pq proibiu???pedofila!
07-08-14 05:25:52
Jobeleza128 ::: Favorites
Ta na hora do Brasileiro parar de ser burro, e aceita q crime é crime, pra rico e famoso assim com é para o pobre coitado trabalhor...Tanto ela como a Mae dessa criaça tbem deviam ser presas ou responder por pedofilia de alguma forma. E a XUXA tinha q se desculpar com o Brasil minino...É um absurdo!!!
07-08-13 21:18:13
Jobeleza128 ::: Favorites
Ta na hora do Brasileiro parar de ser burro, e aceita q crime é crime, pra rico e famoso assim com é para o pobre coitado trabalhor...Tanto ela como a Mae dessa criaça tbem deviam ser presas ou responder por pedofilia de alguma forma. E a XUXA tinha q se desculpar com o Brasil minino...É um absurdo!!!
07-08-13 21:16:47
ledeoli ::: Favorites
pq o capim a vaca da sua mãe comeu tudo lol
07-08-13 21:05:04
wtrevenge ::: Favorites
Xuxa seu pacto ta te cobrando agora aguenta
07-08-12 11:00:23
eliezerleal ::: Favorites
a xuxa foi clara e transparente na resposta..
07-08-09 02:35:18
eliezerleal ::: Favorites
a xuxa mandou muito bem na resposta...
07-08-09 02:33:56
CEPRATE ::: Favorites
E ainda tem imbecis que defendem esta mulher desclassificada! se é realmente profissional, não deveria proibir nada, como ela mesmo disse, é só um trabalho! Mulherzinha desclassificada!
07-08-06 09:57:40

Rat Thingy (avatar)

Duration: 00:6 minutes
Upload Time: 06-09-13 16:27:39
User: Someasianguy
:::: Favorites

lol Naruto Bleach Pokemon PSP DS Sony Playstation Death note Gay Cool Funny Stupid Fight Fuck Shit Bitch Book Harry Potter Yuyu Hakusho Yugioh Abrigded Wow World Of Warcraft Ragnarok Online Lineage Forum Apple Cheese Pizza Hard Movie Trailer Piss Pee Poo Shit Ring Jewelery God Satan Devil Atheists Christian Jew Buddha Heaven Hell Demon Devil Button Fear Hello Hi Good Bye Rawr lol lmao lmfao rofl gtg brb gg nt ns stfu gtfo Television TV a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z qwe qwert asd asdfgh zxc zxcvbn qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm Fire Water Earth Wind Heart Captian Planet Mar Jupiter Sun Moon Marvel Vs Capcom Video Game Cat Dog Ninja Sword Samurai 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 101 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 12012 Alice Nine Antic Cafe Asian Kung-fu Generation Aural Vampire Ayabie Ayumi Hamasaki BoA Buck-Tick Bump of Chicken D'espairsRay Dir en Grey Due'le Quartz Ellegarden Gazette Girugamesh Glay hide High and Might Color Hyori Lee Jay Chou Jang Ri In Kagerou Kaggra Kamaki Aya KuRt L'arc en Ciel Lolita23q Loveholic Luna Sea M-flo Malice Mizer Mika Nakashima Miyavi Moi Dix Mois Nami Tamaki Nana Kitade Nightmare Noodles Penicillin Phantasmagoria Pierrot Plastic Tree Psycho le Cemu SADS Shaka labbits Shazna Shinhwa Siam Shade SID Silver Ash Sound Horizon T.M. Revolution The pillows The Seatbelts The TRAX Vidoll YUI X-Japan

janiashowschickhc ::: Favorites
Online dating at its best WEBFLINGTODAY dot COM
07-08-05 11:36:28
Someasianguy ::: Favorites
Online dating at its best WEBFLINGTODAY dot COM
07-08-05 19:58:01
Someasianguy ::: Favorites
Online dating at its best WEBFLINGTODAY dot COM
07-08-05 19:58:27
Someasianguy ::: Favorites
Online dating at its best WEBFLINGTODAY dot COM
07-08-05 19:58:13
Someasianguy ::: Favorites
Online dating at its best WEBFLINGTODAY dot COM
07-08-05 19:58:30
Someasianguy ::: Favorites
Online dating at its best WEBFLINGTODAY dot COM
07-08-05 19:58:22
Iilaznboi ::: Favorites
LOL ur lame xD
07-06-28 19:06:47
Jackalopean ::: Favorites
wahaha, that was so stupid but I laughed anyways. Haha.
07-03-09 22:32:33
Someasianguy ::: Favorites
Your an idiot. You already answered your own question.
07-03-04 14:45:21
Compwhiz128 ::: Favorites
1'd for keyword spamming
07-03-04 14:39:41
Puppylover96 ::: Favorites
not cool. 1/5.
07-03-02 18:47:23
AreADoubleYouAre ::: Favorites
lawl 5/5 D=
07-02-22 20:10:20
TheRoamingGnome2 ::: Favorites
Um, what does this have to do with avatar, Naruto, Bleach, Death Note and all the rest of the stuff u put down?
07-02-22 14:56:51
Someasianguy ::: Favorites
They all suck
07-03-09 22:34:10
TheRoamingGnome2 ::: Favorites
... yea, I'm just not gonna say anything...
07-03-10 13:39:52
Someasianguy ::: Favorites
good, dont say anything
07-03-10 13:53:36
kerorofan ::: Favorites
Huge piece of pie and shit.
07-02-16 19:36:47
emmet07 ::: Favorites
that is rubbish
07-02-16 05:34:33
Someasianguy ::: Favorites
umm no, your a dumbass
07-02-12 22:08:13
emmet07 ::: Favorites
your write about that one
07-02-16 05:33:08

SURS-The Used-Part One

Duration: 07:29 minutes
Upload Time: 07-05-31 13:52:42
User: geegee770
:::: Favorites

The Used on Fuse's Steven's Untitled Rock Show.

potterwayx3 ::: Favorites
Bert McCookies! i so want some of those... quinn is awesome ^__^
07-08-21 13:55:25
homesweethell666 ::: Favorites
wtf did he say bret mccurkin? lolz that is a gud name....that will b the name of my first child regardess of gender :D!!!!!!
07-08-17 23:00:35
memuffingirl ::: Favorites
Bert McCookies wicked cool! why was Dan topless....disturbing. lol. and go Quinn!
07-08-13 20:15:51
sierralynn08 ::: Favorites
Dan & that vanilla extract. Silly kid...
07-08-13 17:57:03
gwmwfirtbb ::: Favorites
I sooooo want to cook with them now!!! =^D
07-08-02 00:02:02
thexusedxkid ::: Favorites
i was wondering that too x] i'm glad somebody can read.
07-07-25 02:06:09
vampiressmcrfan ::: Favorites
Bert Mccookies. aaaaaakkkkkk canibals. lol
07-07-24 13:07:28
MaRy1892 ::: Favorites
jepha can cook and he's hot... he's the man! ohh no that's dan ahahhahaha sexaaaaai!!!!! i love this band to death.. but poor bert.. i miss him!
07-07-24 12:50:53
0USED0FAN0 ::: Favorites
mmm. bert mccookies. lol
07-07-22 21:38:10
0USED0FAN0 ::: Favorites
this is my FAVORITE episode of stevens untitled rockshow!! i love it, lol.
07-07-22 21:36:08
abbz0110 ::: Favorites
dan is MASSIVE! =O
07-07-20 16:59:42
britt713 ::: Favorites
omg tsp! i love it! especially the egg part...saweet! dan is schmexy!
07-07-16 22:18:51
ghevans93 ::: Favorites
This is awsome. But poor Bert. WHOO! topless dan. XD Dan & Jepha are awsome and quinn well cool and BERT THE BEST xD!
07-07-14 21:09:00
vimjas ::: Favorites
One tsp of salt XD
07-07-14 18:45:40
java16junkie ::: Favorites
Bret McCurken. Bert McCookies.
07-07-14 14:14:14
xxsugarwewentdown ::: Favorites
I love how Quinn just like just smiling to himself and like pretty much ignoring people aww I love Dan and Jepha in this they make me laugh so much.
07-07-13 21:08:28
TotallyHopeless ::: Favorites
hmm.. aren't Quinn a vegean? XP
07-07-13 19:56:25
PityTheBackSeat ::: Favorites
Oh god...if Bert had been there...god only knows what would've happened. Actually, I have a pretty good idea. Lots of fire and broken things...and knives in places they really shouldn't be... I love this episode of SURS. So fucking funny.
07-07-12 13:30:08
jinnyskeans ::: Favorites
Aw, Jepha, my favorite color's orange and crab, too. "Dan loves young girls!" LMFAO.
07-07-10 03:05:36
4evrplaid ::: Favorites
haha i love this EPISODE SOSOSOOS FUNNY!!! tsps!!
07-07-08 13:22:26

Five for Fighting - 100 Years

Duration: 04:04 minutes
Upload Time: 07-01-28 03:56:10
User: hintha
:::: Favorites

One of my favorite music videos.

Dudette528 ::: Favorites
i luv the song and the lyrics especially.
07-08-24 21:34:31
LiLxMaggie ::: Favorites
Eheheh, the guy at the beginning of the video is pretty cute @_@ Does anyone know his name? :P
07-08-24 20:37:08
smartykacheek ::: Favorites
07-08-24 18:10:31
Riley0016 ::: Favorites
its very beatifull song
07-08-24 16:49:08
r123 ::: Favorites
allow me to say he has got to be the only artist in our time who make some sense ... bob dylan of our time
07-08-22 22:09:31
r123 ::: Favorites
at least you got a hundred some dont even get there
07-08-22 22:06:34
austinator12 ::: Favorites
best song plus lyrics can calm hearts down
07-08-21 22:41:23
guitargal12 ::: Favorites
i <3 his voice we did this for a talent show infront of 1200 of the scools students it was awesome but our pianist moved :(
07-08-21 17:25:32
4442Vip ::: Favorites
I did this song as a solo on the piano in front of 500 other mormon kids and it was awesome. I'm mormon if you didn't guess. neone else?
07-08-20 11:26:39
corbungurl24 ::: Favorites
OMG! my choir is singin this song for our spring concert! im so happy! we are already starting to reherse it!
07-08-18 21:02:07
12dobby ::: Favorites
Our choir had to do it too! We had a lot of fun doing it1 I hope you will too!
07-08-19 02:04:13
lilpaw05 ::: Favorites
its not a message 2 YOU then, cuz u dont get it, its all about how you cant have only 1 love when ur young, bcuz then u'll spend ur whole life thinking about him or her, and they'll have already moved only and have a family, tell me how THTS all wrong?
07-08-18 10:32:06
priyarocks ::: Favorites
omg i <3 this song
07-08-15 18:31:44
drummerdude746 ::: Favorites
this guys voice is AMAZING! i now every word for this song and i catch myself singing along sometimes, but i cant even hit all the notes he does! <3 the song :) 5/5 starz
07-08-14 22:37:46
fragclone ::: Favorites
anyone know where i can download the song O_o
07-08-14 19:58:52
k00laidsman ::: Favorites
omg i freaking love this guy hes sooo hot! btw im a guy=p
07-08-14 18:55:05
MightSmileToday ::: Favorites
wow i've always heard this on the radio and wondered what it was called and i finally figured it out ! lol hhaha love this song :]
07-08-14 11:11:22
riku0213 ::: Favorites
this is a real good music video.
07-08-12 22:23:24
1y2t ::: Favorites
this is awesome
07-08-11 06:19:06
daviddepaul3510164 ::: Favorites
itll be here before u know it :(
07-08-10 16:52:54

Sharpay and Ryan - Bop to the Top

Duration: 02:09 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-14 03:54:41
User: DisneyChannelTSLOZAC
:::: Favorites

This is the clip from episode 3.09, "Lip Sychin' in the Rain" were Sharpay (London) and Ryan (Antony) sings the song "Bop to the Top" from the Disney Channel Orginal Movie, "High School Musical". Want the hole epiode? Join my forum, !

azzilem10 ::: Favorites
But London did amazing dancing.
07-08-24 02:31:14
surfininalaska ::: Favorites
brenda can really "strut her stuff" on that dance. they did really great. and zach was so cluless during the second chorus, its priceless!
07-08-23 21:40:35
mavsfanatic06 ::: Favorites
and how are maddie zack cody and london all of a sudden going to the same school i thought maddie and london went to a private school and zack and cody went to public someone inform me
07-08-22 23:57:40
briahna93 ::: Favorites
i think all they did was do the play in that epesode but in this epesode comming up i think london goes otschool with zack and cody
07-08-23 18:10:50
mavsfanatic06 ::: Favorites
man you guys ever notice that the suite life of zack and cody is always being involved somewya with high school musical i mean the only show you usually see the high musical stars guest star in is the suite life and now their doing a high school musical special well it doesn't matter i like both suite life and high school musical
07-08-22 23:56:18
aeluver ::: Favorites
how'd london's voice and dancing get so good?? :)
07-08-22 23:30:49
cartoonpunk13 ::: Favorites
i love it how zack does the dance his face is hilarious
07-08-22 18:59:56
AnGeLpHo3NiX ::: Favorites
soz not cousin...nephew i think
07-08-22 14:59:39
AnGeLpHo3NiX ::: Favorites
oh i didnt get dat Push It To The Limit bit 4got bout that song. lol!
07-08-22 14:59:06
briahna93 ::: Favorites
push it to the limit is a song corbin sang
07-08-23 18:11:39
AnGeLpHo3NiX ::: Favorites
yh i kno thnx lol, the one with Vanessa Hudgens rite?
07-08-23 22:50:23
briahna93 ::: Favorites
no, vanessa wasnt in the movie with the song push it to the limit, push it to the limit is a song from a movie called Jump In.
07-08-23 23:19:32
AnGeLpHo3NiX ::: Favorites
u mean the movie on disney channel with Corbin yh heard of Jump In but aint seen it. soz i think i got it wrong lol, not Push It To The Limit tht V was in. was Still There For Me frm Corbin's latest album soz...knew thre was sumin she was in wid him lol thnx
07-08-24 00:08:41
AnGeLpHo3NiX ::: Favorites
looool...Are we ready to bop to the top cos we're all in this together. OK, ur pushing it to the limit! so funny lol
07-08-22 14:57:29
Brainstrain ::: Favorites
A parody of a parody, written by someone with much bigger comes out like a greek tragedy, and is just as predictable.
07-08-21 16:33:43
toxicbomb2004 ::: Favorites
when she starts to sing the chorus it sounds like brenda
07-08-21 08:50:37
SoccerChick150 ::: Favorites
me too.
07-08-20 17:49:02
Missapplebottom ::: Favorites
07-08-20 20:23:42
TsukikoTomoko ::: Favorites
:] ;]
07-08-21 07:10:49
hsmfreak345 ::: Favorites
"are we ready to Bop to the top because remember were all in this together ok your pushing it to the limit" lol
07-08-20 14:37:07

Flesh for LuLu-I Go Crazy

Duration: 04:45 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-22 19:13:25
User: exutuberejectee
:::: Favorites

Original Promo Video

danni5252 ::: Favorites
I had never heard of these fellas before, until I randomly purchased their LP from 87', Long Live the New Flesh. Since that day, I absolutely love Flesh For LuLu! I am however, trying to find footage for their song "Dream on Cowboy" Thanks for posting this video ;) Ciao!
07-08-20 18:35:34
inverterlee ::: Favorites
rocco u r a star on channel 4s place in spain
07-08-19 11:26:03
DeanFirefly ::: Favorites
what about the famous monsters, wasted youth, october revolution, the snivelling shits, c'est moi, c'est moi, c'est moi etal, pop pickers.....................
07-08-16 18:21:56
andreagrlohio ::: Favorites
check out CAMAZONCAMS dot COM for the hottest FREE webcams views
07-08-16 12:26:44
luv2fly71 ::: Favorites
Duncan was cool!! Heh, heh!!!
07-08-16 02:05:22
dellio1977 ::: Favorites
Can anyone tell me if this was a big hit in the U.S.?
07-08-13 08:20:30
initialsjb ::: Favorites
07-08-15 13:23:44
dellio1977 ::: Favorites
Rocco's first band WASTED YOUTH were much better but lived up to their name, self fulfilling prophesy! Where can i get the WY "Survivors" dvd from?
07-08-15 18:35:12
lurch321 ::: Favorites
Could you (or somebody else) PLEASE upload "Postcards From Paradise"??
07-08-02 20:04:17
91HEG ::: Favorites
This was a kick ass band period, if you're into mass produced pop, just stay away.
07-07-30 04:18:37
lordclifton ::: Favorites
i like this song i dont know whats more weird the name of the band or the singers hair style?
07-07-09 12:03:36
OctoberSaint ::: Favorites
Love this song!! Never understood why he didn't go for Watts in the first place. She was smokin' expecially in those boys undies!
07-06-29 00:30:19
eternalbum ::: Favorites
Many like myself don't like boyish girls.
07-07-20 20:22:02
iwoniwon ::: Favorites
Same here, flesh for lulu (I go crazy) always associated with Mary Stuart. Ha, ha.
07-06-28 22:54:18
LaurieBunter ::: Favorites
I always mentally associated this song with Mary Stuart Masterson, so I find it amusing to actually SEE the video for the first time and to see bits of "Some Kind of Wonderful" in it. MWAHAHAHA! Fantastic.
07-06-27 11:02:43
Jessebueno21 ::: Favorites
This band HAD to have ripped off 1987 MTV Basement Tapes winners West Of Eden's song "Follow You". Look for it I know the video is somewhere on YouTube
07-06-21 21:54:18
artfuldodgeress ::: Favorites
hey, that guitar looks like Mike Nesmith's guitar in the Monkees.
07-06-14 10:30:27
dellio1977 ::: Favorites
The White semi acoustic guitar is the one Steve Jones played in the Sex Pistols!
07-08-13 08:19:48
DarkWraith ::: Favorites
Absolutely fan-friggin'-tastically awesome.
07-06-12 13:21:05
exutuberejectee ::: Favorites
Just program your comp. to record the day,that's what i used to do with my VCR back in the good old 80's.
07-06-11 20:17:27

Saints Row - Chinese Food Find

Duration: 05:54 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-14 07:27:58
User: NightowlDarksky
:::: Favorites

People have been begging for this for quite a while, so here's my latest Saints Row video. It's not In Da Club 3, but it was just as fun to make. Hope you enjoy watching it. Once again, unscripted, and if you don't know, I am the voice of the Chinese character.

kobuu2 ::: Favorites
this is one of the funniest things that uve made lol. me hurt leg (BOOM) and shit pants.
07-08-20 15:50:46
mcteal ::: Favorites
its funny but u suck at this game
07-08-16 04:13:44
NightowlDarksky ::: Favorites
Riiiight, thanks for the comments but you're a bit of a prick really aint ya.
07-08-16 07:39:09
FrankWest9 ::: Favorites
feed meeee............. lol Pretty Funny.
07-08-10 17:33:29
aiyana1oregon ::: Favorites
The best college girls on cam @ CAMSUNIVERSITY . COM !
07-08-09 13:16:19
carsaregood911 ::: Favorites
07-07-30 17:34:15
MGSoldier ::: Favorites
07-07-28 08:16:58
alkmaz ::: Favorites
wouldn't you die from a baseball to the face
07-07-22 10:25:10
NightowlDarksky ::: Favorites
Depends where you're hit I suppose?
07-07-22 12:24:56
alkmaz ::: Favorites
i come from china
07-07-21 08:14:57
NightowlDarksky ::: Favorites
07-07-22 12:24:37
RUTEDW ::: Favorites
sheet dat was cazy
07-07-16 15:23:44
xtrasniper ::: Favorites
LOL!! man nightowl you did it again! ''Hey baby...I can show you a good time;)=why you going to feed me?'' LMAO!
07-07-16 15:21:26
mattisvii ::: Favorites
Lol fuck you recycle shit!!...fuck you!! not recycle! and then when you said :o me shotgun me kill you now!
07-07-14 11:38:21
Russino2 ::: Favorites
Fuck you Recycle shit! LMFAO!! nightowldarksky you gotta make in da club 3!!
07-07-14 16:42:44
NightowlDarksky ::: Favorites
Because my game save went corrupt, I wasn't able to continue my main character to make a third... but, somehow, my game save came back to life, and I have a new club in mind for the 3rd video. Coming soon. :)
07-07-15 01:42:15
Russino2 ::: Favorites
good!! cuz your in da club vids are fucking funny!! and how did you get the idea of this vid?
07-07-15 06:59:53
mattisvii ::: Favorites
When julius says come to the church when you 2want to be in the sulation then you ask why you got food there?
07-07-14 11:34:13
mattisvii ::: Favorites
what you gonna feed me?? lol why da hell you made him chinese looking you! and the most stupid thing was when the vice king aimed at you then you said me hungry me looking for food and then you said i think i shited my pants
07-07-14 02:53:26
conker504 ::: Favorites
shut the fuck up me looking for meal lmao
07-07-06 08:06:31

Grand Funk Rail Road- I'm Your Captain

Duration: 07:53 minutes
Upload Time: 06-10-08 00:54:10
User: Guns41
:::: Favorites

A cover by my band of Grand Funk's I'm your Captain.

gormalik ::: Favorites
Now that was absolutely the finest sounding cover I have heard in a long time. Bassist; you are worth your weight in gold, Drummer; fantastic, Axe; damn that was powerfull, Singer; what can I say besides WOW great vocal range. Here is a challenge, if you're all up to it, Molly Hatchet "Flirting With Disaster"
07-08-25 01:03:28
PeterCRissKISSgod ::: Favorites
Awesome Job Guys...
07-08-22 11:39:39
fnlost ::: Favorites
1 of my favorite tunes ever ! not bad lads,, ,not bad ,.,, BASS PLAYER A +
07-08-19 00:08:28
bigdreambassboy69 ::: Favorites
really good!!!
07-08-18 11:15:46
surfstyley ::: Favorites
you must have cool parents..
07-08-14 04:58:20
cstubing ::: Favorites
Hey, that's not Grand Funk Railroad! :) Great job covering them, tho.
07-08-13 11:09:18
nicholas4657 ::: Favorites
dude you guys should make a cover cd and play at more gigs and record it i know you arent playing at a gig right know but i know you can!!!!!!!!!!
07-08-07 22:01:09
PunkStarAce ::: Favorites
Good Job!
07-08-07 17:31:15
alclement ::: Favorites
nice job
07-08-06 16:01:07
wattienz ::: Favorites
That aint Don Brewer on Drums surely!! LOL. Great song Guys - Keep it up.
07-08-05 18:45:31
slamndave ::: Favorites
kik'd ass ..... well done
07-08-03 03:24:09
PubliusD7 ::: Favorites
You guys nailed it. Nice cover.
07-07-31 18:32:10
Mancards101 ::: Favorites
07-07-27 20:29:59
rafosco ::: Favorites
cojones suena de puta madre! great job
07-07-24 10:43:06
danielsazaki ::: Favorites
Beautyful!!!! Daniel From Brazil!!!
07-07-23 15:29:19
ToddBoyle ::: Favorites
Good job guys!!
07-07-22 22:02:49
syylver ::: Favorites
great cover guys, loved it :D
07-07-18 01:15:41
camlk1 ::: Favorites
perfect 5
07-07-16 20:16:05
iluvhotblondes ::: Favorites
the bass is spot on volume and all u guys did great. i felt like going back and u nailed it
07-07-15 04:12:31
bobby6string ::: Favorites
Real Nice Job
07-07-15 00:47:14

Jim Fetzer 9/11 - evidence for unconventional weapons (1)

Duration: 09:02 minutes
Upload Time: 07-02-22 09:07:17
User: columbus911truth
:::: Favorites

Dr. Fetzer gives supporting evidence to his hypothesis that unconventional weapons may have been used to cause the devastation of the world trade center on september 11'th 2001. Recorded at the Columbus Metropolitan Library on 2/17/2007. scholars for 911 truth government conspiracy alex jones patriot movement noam chomsky left gatekeeper federal reserve cia nsa fbi fema contracts money david rockefeller foundation america george bush dick cheney imf world bank united nations civil liberties mysteries movement grass roots oklahoma city kennedy assassination northwoods operation controlled demolition evidence pentagon wtc 7 world trade center twin towers new york washington dc shanksville pa norad stand down drills united airlines flight 93 port authority pnac cfr who wto imf project for new american century council on foreign relations bilderberg international monetary fund tim osman osama bin laden 767 757 boeing thermite thermate ground zero first responder nyfd peace federal emergency management association atf

MOTOCYCODUDE ::: Favorites
07-08-22 11:41:54
ssalemi ::: Favorites
9/11-101: Project for A New American Century. Neo-Con psychos engineer vast plan to conquer middle east, control its oil and resources, tame those pesky Arabs, keep Israel safe, everything all wrapped up in one neat package. Problem: "Pearl Harbor-like Event is needed" to justify invasion. Viola, 9/11, made to order. Executed by a bunch of bumbling terrorists who couldn't pass their Cessna flying exams? Or joint CIA-Mossad operation at the highest levels? I know where I'd put my money!
07-07-17 21:05:18
LMPfan2 ::: Favorites
Building 7 was severly damaged by the collapse of the north tower.
07-07-16 22:21:16
ssalemi ::: Favorites
Oh, yes, I'm sure. And the New Mexico Professor said ALL the buildings were pre-wired -- not just Building 7 -- until the men in black paid him a visit and then he SHUT UP and never discussed the issue again.
07-07-17 12:28:28
LMPfan2 ::: Favorites
Chief Daniel Nigro. The biggest decision we had to make on the first day was to clear the area and create a collapse zone around the severely damaged 7 World Trade Center, a 47-story building heavily involved in fire. A number of fire officers and companies assessed the damage to the building. The appraisals indicated that the building's integrity was in serious doubt.
07-07-17 20:42:28
ro66ie69 ::: Favorites
hey guys there are agents on u tube putting dout into everyones minds with clever comment ignore them....we know 95% ov the truth, the other five% is the fine details....the war in iraq is ok cos we are like the police restoring order.....peace--v--
07-07-16 09:18:09
riceowlex ::: Favorites
I disagree, this one is easy. People were murdered and there was NO CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION. Maybe next time it's you or someone you know and care about. What then, strikes a different cord doesn't it!!
07-07-11 14:14:27
thebigt82 ::: Favorites
lets keep our fingers crossed
07-06-23 23:10:07
BakuninXL ::: Favorites
Fetzer's Star Wars: the anti-resonists strike back! Wake up and smell the dissinfo! He's a paid off deceiver!
07-06-14 13:12:16
riceowlex ::: Favorites
Whether he is a deceiver/believer there is no getting around the explosives and the time with which these towers came down.There is no refuting building 7..common sense. All damning, refuting the official lie!! Why no official criminal investigation, ask that aloud to someone that matters!
07-07-11 14:07:56
ImyManz99 ::: Favorites
You're a retard, No-Planers are often ridiculed and currently do not have much backing. Why would a disinfo agent sell a theory that would not garner popularity? You're just a chicken-shit truther that's afraid to explore extraordinary hypotheses because you're worried about being laughed at. Fetzer is doing the real patriots work. And yes, there were no Big Boeings on 9/11. No-Planers for the win!
07-07-13 13:09:17
wwwPNACATTACKcom ::: Favorites
HAHHAH ImyManz99 - you are a Bush's sheep
07-07-14 03:31:21
ImyManz99 ::: Favorites
I see how you ignored everything I said and offered a reply containing no substance. Go ahead and continue to believe the fairy tale about hijackers with boxcutters taking over airlines and nailing their targets with precision at full speed. We'll call it a "bed time" story, mmm'kay?
07-07-14 10:40:25
wwwPNACATTACKcom ::: Favorites
So why many those hijackers are founded alive today - from Lebanon ect :D
07-07-14 11:06:13
ImyManz99 ::: Favorites
The fact that hijackers were still alive after 9/11 only ADDS FURTHER PROOF that the alledged commercial flights that hit the towers were non-existant. No Planes at all 4 crash sites.
07-07-14 11:08:55
bansidh ::: Favorites
These building have withstood huge winds throughout the years. Look up the Windsor building, watch the enormous fire that goes on for 20 hours. Then ask yourself how fire took down building seven.
07-06-05 02:56:16
Otox ::: Favorites
What do winds have to do with a large plane hitting the buildings, and a massive fire? What does the Windsor Tower fire have to do with a building that was unstable to begin with, being hit by large amounts of flaming debris with incredible force, knocking out a large amount of supporting columns, and then burning for hours before collapsing?
07-06-18 22:56:24
bansidh ::: Favorites
the buildings were shut down several times in the weeks before 9/11. What purpose would it serve? Are you blind as well as stupid? The patriot act, the war in Afghanistan and Iraq the buildup of the Military Industrial complex. Just for fun look at Cheney's Halliburton stocks. From under 2 hundred thousand worth to over 8 million. That is a reason. Power, money what more do you need.
07-06-05 02:54:41
bansidh ::: Favorites
Well said. You may not question authority, you may not think for yourself and most of all you MUST NOT believe your own eyes.
07-06-05 02:53:06
CJOKUSAP ::: Favorites
Oh, and by the way, the "[i.e. me and you.]" was added by me and directed to rje635.
07-06-03 16:56:11