Saturday, September 1, 2007


Duration: 04:44 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-18 18:54:51
User: shelleakabrownsuga
:::: Favorites


mrscrazypants ::: Favorites
they r so cute
07-08-29 15:04:11
madhotvids ::: Favorites
I love this kind of stuff in encourge kids to get into dancin keep it and maby ull be on bet or mtv you'll be the next millionare Woo woo do it.
07-08-26 17:10:45
redstha1 ::: Favorites
lmao!! Lil Mama hit a Beyonce move at :54... kick, side/side, head dip...I see ya chica!!
07-08-25 23:31:59
trubeauty051388 ::: Favorites
they r too cute n too flyy
07-08-22 21:00:26
twisterhazzard ::: Favorites
ahhh the littlt girl was betta the olda one that was kinda a mess she was everywhere
07-08-21 11:51:39
BOSSCHIK29 ::: Favorites
girl shake it
07-08-18 20:17:36
tonomc ::: Favorites
woooow las amoooooooooo!!
07-08-11 13:42:46
Lamba4325 ::: Favorites
they oldest is very good.
07-08-10 23:47:15
catface222 ::: Favorites
da little girl iz betta den da older one
07-08-10 21:41:57
Sayzha ::: Favorites
that older gurl looks like fucking shit!!!!!!
07-08-10 17:34:20

Neji's Dance

Duration: 00:8 minutes
Upload Time: 07-05-05 15:21:37
User: Narutoandothermanga
:::: Favorites

This is cute and funny! I'm working on animations a little and this was so awesome!! XD

Hinatahyuga9 ::: Favorites
lolz how cute XD
07-05-05 15:53:30
Narutoandothermanga ::: Favorites
Yay! Thanks!!
07-05-05 15:55:07
KyzMusik1414 ::: Favorites
aw..this is cute ^_^
07-05-05 17:33:13
Narutoandothermanga ::: Favorites
07-05-05 18:04:46
SilenceAiring ::: Favorites
OMFG. xD That's hilariously cute.
07-06-04 22:23:00
BlockO008 ::: Favorites
That Is Funny And Cute At The Same Time ^^
07-06-12 23:56:03
Narutoandothermanga ::: Favorites
07-06-15 21:28:45
fobfan33 ::: Favorites
this is awesome!
07-06-26 14:35:35
destinysqween2 ::: Favorites
LMAO XD thats funny
07-07-18 20:48:17
nanonsoccergirlft ::: Favorites
See my sexy ex-gf exposed on webcam at CAMREVENGE dot COM
07-08-27 06:13:42

Midt om natten

Duration: 04:39 minutes
Upload Time: 06-12-19 12:28:44
User: mads32
:::: Favorites

Midt om natten, live fra Skanderborg 04

topper601 ::: Favorites
Uhh!!.. Love it!
07-06-27 11:36:03
martic1280 ::: Favorites
i love his music omg
07-06-27 01:06:59
erikfofo ::: Favorites
Ermm.. why are you talking to yourself?? Anyway, I agree with you (and your alter ego), this is great music :D
07-06-26 14:21:54
martic1280 ::: Favorites
same with me, it's great isnt it!
07-06-26 10:46:04
martic1280 ::: Favorites
Incredible sound. I love his music. I've heard this but it's great. wow.
07-06-26 10:45:47
delpadrone ::: Favorites
år 2007.....og den holder stadig 100%...danmarks største sang-poet ;-)
07-06-26 04:25:40
martic1280 ::: Favorites
i fucking love this great sound
07-06-25 01:52:12
nulkommafem ::: Favorites
Meget dygtig musiker som vi danskere bør være meget stolte af :)
07-06-20 11:09:39
Tordenarm ::: Favorites
Super Super Brilliant Video Clip. Det var sgu så håret rejste sig på armene. Kim du styrer og har altid gjort det. Tak til You Tube for denne fede mulighed for at gense alle disse fede øjeblikke.
07-06-15 10:20:59
Glostrup2600 ::: Favorites
:D nu vil jeg godt forsvarre alle mine techno venner;) (er 17 år) .. da jeg til en fest her forleden hev min spade frem og spillet den kunne de alle den? sjovt ikke ?:D men den er for fed:) er kæmpe kim larsen fan
07-06-03 21:09:58


Duration: 06:14 minutes
Upload Time: 06-10-23 17:36:10
User: jxnet
:::: Favorites

extracto del topfive del 22 oct. notese el bonus track notableeeeee jajaja

mario05ssj ::: Favorites
aunque me gustaba mekano siempre he dicho que todos los queingresan a ese programa son unos pobres diablos ignorantes excepto el alejandro del juego se acabo
07-08-28 22:34:00
karlaandreahv ::: Favorites
Feito eres un mito! Grande!
07-08-22 05:46:11
Pejandro ::: Favorites
que pajeros lo argentinos maricones
07-08-17 20:15:22
crazysony ::: Favorites
paja chile... aguante mario juan y edu
07-08-16 20:48:12
skakruk666 ::: Favorites
A ver, aclaremos las cosas.. En mi opinión Chile es el país más divertido y desarrollado mentalmente hablando. Los argentinos también son divertidos, pero si hay weones subdesarrollados y fomes, son los españoles..
07-08-15 19:29:20
jimenaV ::: Favorites
jajajajajaja!!! un saluo pa mi mama ke esta en kanaaaaa !!!! jajajajajajajaja
07-08-13 19:56:21
tebodh ::: Favorites
pobre weon lo colgaron los flaytes hijos de puta
07-08-11 10:31:07
nicoeli ::: Favorites
jajaj que grandes los chilenos. no conozco su TV pero su CQC es gracioso tb. los felicito. saludos!
07-08-08 11:59:28
axel93 ::: Favorites
PTa los wns tontos wn u.ú..
07-08-06 17:07:16
kronoskalifa ::: Favorites
Ohhhh el ctm weón la cagó.
07-07-29 23:29:48

Hot Banditoz "Que Si Que No"

Duration: 04:21 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-10 19:48:40
User: hannoverbandita
:::: Favorites

The new sinlge of the band "Hot Banditoz" for the summer 2007 !! Performance at the German show "Verstehen Sie Spaß?", June 09, 2007

derSchreiber ::: Favorites
ich meinte 3:58/ 3:59
07-08-13 16:42:39
derSchreiber ::: Favorites
Kann es sein, dass das linke Mädchen kein Höschen anhat?? - 4:21
07-08-13 16:39:55
cicirra ::: Favorites
Un nich zu vergessen "ein sogenannter Sonnerhit" xDDD
07-08-03 05:19:00
cicirra ::: Favorites
07-08-03 05:17:32
brandyhotgirlo ::: Favorites
Date black guys or girls at BLACKLOVELINES dot COM
07-07-30 21:30:24
Vath0m ::: Favorites
Rofl...der Kerl hat voll die anmoderation versaut xD
07-07-26 17:49:54
aLiii6 ::: Favorites
loool der dumme typ verspricht sich andauernd xD
07-07-26 12:28:20
Nillepu14 ::: Favorites
also mich regt das auf. kenn das lied nämlich schon von nem hotel in der türkei, das ist das seit jahren der clubtanz!!!
07-07-14 15:46:18
Highhouse29 ::: Favorites
Hotel Stone Palace in Side Turkey uses this 4 times per day......
07-06-24 03:38:03
hotclippings ::: Favorites
ja ja macarenia!
07-06-23 13:58:06

Alpha Blondy Jerusalem

Duration: 05:46 minutes
Upload Time: 06-10-27 02:54:20
User: Brutal561E
:::: Favorites


GPlods ::: Favorites
this nr remeber me of a good frend,RIP anton :(
07-08-31 16:09:07
SoopSoopa ::: Favorites
originally written by Hadag Nahash , .הדג נחש
07-08-30 15:22:28
erimtuna ::: Favorites
yes. also it is in Germany, Chimsee. I will be there in 2008. whoa exciting.
07-08-29 11:07:05
omassore ::: Favorites
More FREE REGGAE VIDEOS, DOCUMENTARIES, CONCERTS, NEWS, etc. No Slackness, Strictly Love and Consciousness at <b>ROOTSRASTAS dot COM</b> One Love!!!
07-08-23 09:13:41
alexandmemeandomar ::: Favorites
wonderful song , alpha thanks for this song
07-08-19 20:30:46
Brutal561E ::: Favorites
It was only televised. Never released on VHS or DVD. It is named Live At Chiemsee originally aired on German TV. A CD may be possible but doubtful.
07-08-18 01:19:03
BigAraub ::: Favorites
Can someone please give me info on this concert so i can buy the DVD or live CD?
07-08-18 00:35:10
Ramonamv ::: Favorites
Thank you!!!
07-08-17 14:17:45
sound1744 ::: Favorites
excellent combination awesome song and under rated band
07-08-17 12:02:19
mygreat1 ::: Favorites
Selam alekum,yihun lehulikum
07-08-11 22:00:22

The Jews

Duration: 08:28 minutes
Upload Time: 06-12-30 20:34:42
User: subiesisters
:::: Favorites

A thoughtful discussion about the Jews in America. Are they the problem? Viewer discretion advised.

heresy824 ::: Favorites
Meant converts.
07-09-01 02:13:03
heresy824 ::: Favorites
Didn't get it from Jimmy Carter. Got it from The New Statesman as reported by Amnon Kapeliouk.
07-08-31 21:21:00
heresy824 ::: Favorites
Jews are racist. They don't consider black converters to Judaism to be Jews. They call all of us Gentiles 'N!ggers' (Schwartza) behind our backs. And now they try and use blacks to hide behind. They try and use racism to shut up people from speaking the truth! Can you say HYPOCRITES?
07-08-31 19:28:35
heresy824 ::: Favorites
So says a Jew. LOL. Like murderers saying "Murderers are not the problem."
07-08-31 19:25:03
heresy824 ::: Favorites
Want to know about Jewish slave traders? Look up Aaron Lopez and Moses Levine. Now, the ex-slavetraders try and hide behind the black race. LOL.
07-08-31 19:21:46
trufflemaster ::: Favorites
Jews Are Not The Problem.
07-08-31 16:02:44
Adelaide1200 ::: Favorites
Good job girls...
07-08-31 12:09:31
nasafiyel ::: Favorites
Banjobilly, don't worry! I'll handle this one! I'm not going to use that book against Noah, I'm going to use JEWISH sources so "Noah" has to re-think his strategy. This should be funny!!
07-08-31 10:12:13
nasafiyel ::: Favorites
6)In Brazil, where most Aficans were sent, Jewish scholar Arnold Wiznitzer is most explicit about Jewish involvement: "Noah" do your REALLY want me to say what this Jewish scholar says?? Oh, by the way, all of the other historians and scholars were Jewish!! I know, they're "Self Hating Jews"
07-08-31 10:10:17
nasafiyel ::: Favorites
5)Moshe Kahan stated bluntly that in 1653-1658, " Jewish-Marrano merchants were in control of the Spanish and Portuguese trade, were almost in control of the Levantine trade...were interested in the Dutch East and West Indian companies, were heavily involved in shipping; and, most important, had at their disposal large amounts of capital."
07-08-31 10:07:18

Daniel Radcliffe first On Jonathan Ross Part 2

Duration: 07:47 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-26 00:20:12
User: LovesDanielRadcliffe
:::: Favorites

Dan On Friday Night with Jonathan Ross back in 2005, talking about Harry Potter and the goblet of fire and future plans! Dan's Second Interview on Jonathan Ross

DefensePlayer4 ::: Favorites
"it's a perfectly reasonable thing..i'm very suave" lol. that's soo funny!
07-08-31 16:29:30
FreeFatma ::: Favorites
I just remembered, I love the way Daniel shakes Jonathan's hand after what he said about his eyes (in the 1st part) [it's like the ultimate moment of trust in the history of men!]
07-08-30 20:35:15
missietemptingbabemj ::: Favorites
Great video. For a fun fling with a sexy chick check out DAYFLING dot COM
07-08-27 01:56:36
kay2164 ::: Favorites
what does jonathan ross say at 4:34?
07-08-24 13:28:43
Decembers ::: Favorites
"You'll be looking around for Hermonie and Bond's got her in a pod"
07-08-25 00:53:20
Violet317 ::: Favorites
Poor Ron hahaha 'perfectly reasonable thing! I'm suave!' omg that was priceless.
07-08-23 17:08:30
PrettyInPurpleness ::: Favorites
where does he say that?
07-08-26 12:01:16
Violet317 ::: Favorites
its right after Jonathen says 'what if you got offered james bond' at 3:26 and the crowd starts laughing its soo cute haha
07-08-27 15:23:35
akshita4987 ::: Favorites
aw hes such a sweety! so cute! in the beginning (part 1) it was like he had a pot of coffee. lol he was so hyper. like me sometimes.
07-08-23 13:11:20
222doux ::: Favorites
he is so nice and hot!!!!!!!!!!!!!
07-08-21 11:48:34

Linkin Park (in this world)

Duration: 03:23 minutes
Upload Time: 07-05-02 10:51:16
User: kevin8se7en
:::: Favorites

I made this a long time ago.. its not LP, its tribal ink.

picardrullz ::: Favorites
How hard would for you to send me a copy of tribal ink????
07-08-30 22:51:52
rubenwave ::: Favorites
Thanx men, i thonk this song was really by lp, but i know now that is from tribal ink... Thanx!
07-08-23 23:59:20
kevin8se7en ::: Favorites
no problem...
07-08-23 17:22:31
Migdetvilsigeoliver ::: Favorites
thanks : )
07-08-15 12:03:30
kevin8se7en ::: Favorites
i created the video.. the song is, tribal ink - right behind you
07-08-14 15:04:30
Migdetvilsigeoliver ::: Favorites
nice song..:) can anyone tell me who really createt it?
07-08-14 12:59:34
gamerhalo3 ::: Favorites
XD cool
07-08-10 13:51:20
kevin8se7en ::: Favorites
i know lol.. i made this video not knowing who this was and i liked it so i made an LP video (it said it was them).. then some people were saying it was minutes to midnight advanced edition or sum shit LMAO!!! idiots...
07-07-20 17:26:15
gygopat ::: Favorites
Rofl u retards its tirbal ink right behind you -.- im glad that kevin8se7en did know that -.- ffs if u think this is lp u dont know nothing about lp -----.-
07-07-20 11:28:20
kevin8se7en ::: Favorites
07-07-19 00:02:41

Sean Kingston - Drummer Boy

Duration: 04:51 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-28 02:52:35
User: T0NY007
:::: Favorites

a lego star wars animation to the music drummer boy by sean kingston rate this and comment

chustle23 ::: Favorites
the beat is hott doe
07-08-01 13:24:54
Swifturk ::: Favorites
i like this star warz video, its a good look as for this tune, its really good and im feelin sean kingston alot right now, hes doing his thing so i have to respect that.
07-08-03 21:47:49
jojovanez ::: Favorites
07-08-14 16:09:57
lilpj945 ::: Favorites
07-08-16 07:02:17
wiNUtS ::: Favorites
nace tune
07-08-16 09:39:27
tytyb12 ::: Favorites
love the tune yall
07-08-18 19:03:25
cmakk1313 ::: Favorites
this is rly cool and an awesome song
07-08-21 22:27:09
gkingdom ::: Favorites
wow this was great
07-08-23 16:22:03

Ümit KARAN, Liverpool-Galatasaray

Duration: 00:32 minutes
Upload Time: 06-09-27 20:29:50
User: gogoist
:::: Favorites

Ümit Karan'in 2 golü

Atalay ::: Favorites
şu adamın bir maçı bir maçını tutsa süper adam da işte... Gene de en iyi yerli golcülerden şüphesiz
07-08-30 16:38:30
boySsc0uLd ::: Favorites
orda warya arada ya hll olsun ama hll umit zaten her zaman yıldızımız bee forvet gelse bıle senı unutmam ümit
07-08-30 04:54:01
AtaWorM ::: Favorites
Her Zaman Her Yerde En Büyük Cimbom ! NKFVAS !
07-08-29 20:56:09
zimbaweli ::: Favorites
ciddimsin öldü mü maç yüzünden yok sa bombamı
07-08-26 07:31:40
clevandcav23 ::: Favorites
bu maçta artvin arhavi ilçesinde 2 kişi kalp krizi geçirdi yemin ederim 1'i hayatını kaybetti.Öbür dünyada mekanı cennet olsun alt komşumuzdu:( BAŞARILAR GELİR GEÇER ASALETİN BİZE YETER...
07-08-23 09:51:57
sagosman ::: Favorites
Liverpool Kim Lan sikeriz onları
07-08-14 08:31:47
juveliserhat ::: Favorites
ya bu maçı nası alamadık anlamıyorum ya
07-08-13 17:11:04
mustiDY ::: Favorites
çok süper bu adam yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
07-08-13 02:30:36
sagosman ::: Favorites
aslanım ümit karan aslanım
07-08-12 14:54:12
SurvivorTr ::: Favorites
Aslanım Ümit Karan,seni seviyorum
07-08-12 12:00:24

him " the funeral of hearts

Duration: 04:40 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-11 11:58:00
User: ffhernando
:::: Favorites

The funeral of hearts And a plea for mercy When love is a gun Separating me from you.......

Yuni41 ::: Favorites
I saw them like 2 weeks ago and don't get me wrong I LOVE H.I.M but they suck live man =[ which sucks...
07-08-26 23:54:44
antigrelkin ::: Favorites
true^) lol
07-08-24 02:54:10
skaterr666 ::: Favorites
pause it at 2:20 hahaha
07-08-17 17:12:23
wkukluver ::: Favorites
ville is so pretty.....
07-07-07 04:11:22
Pokemonhater74 ::: Favorites
pause at 2:01 the guitarist looks like he is jacking off
07-07-06 22:28:33
angelofpaincherish ::: Favorites
lol i agree ><
07-07-06 17:12:07
lulurockstarshine23 ::: Favorites
whoa dude that is kinda creepy how is face is like that but he's still hot
07-07-04 23:27:11
SK8BOARDER1313 ::: Favorites
07-07-04 00:15:48
hottskater ::: Favorites
stop at 2:14 kinda creepy lol nice song
07-07-03 21:42:31
nikkoblood ::: Favorites
lol yea funny 2:13
07-07-03 13:40:35

America's Army Frags

Duration: 03:37 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-08 01:44:49
User: Chrispymanhor
:::: Favorites

just some frags

blazedude12345 ::: Favorites
first to comment ^^
07-08-08 02:54:04
blazedude12345 ::: Favorites
cool vid lots killing
07-08-08 02:55:37
Chrispymanhor ::: Favorites
did u see the lagger i tried to kill at 00:17 - 00:24? lol
07-08-08 11:41:09
sloppysucker1 ::: Favorites
nice ^^^
07-08-08 13:24:51
wallacro ::: Favorites
manhor is crispy :D
07-08-08 13:55:53
aznflameball911 ::: Favorites
DUDE KOOL SONG DUDE SICK OWNAGE! lol the guy at like 22 sec mark wut took u so long to kill him LOL!
07-08-08 14:22:10
Karaka723 ::: Favorites
that game looks hella hard to aim
07-08-08 16:58:28
blazedude12345 ::: Favorites
lol noticed the lagger :)
07-08-08 18:30:18
babypumpking ::: Favorites
07-08-26 13:04:15

Full House Ep10 (2/7)

Duration: 09:43 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-06 14:35:26
User: achooxhelen
:::: Favorites

Full House

XDeeLE ::: Favorites
aww so cute ! heeeheeehee
07-07-09 17:35:11
inupuppy101 ::: Favorites
why's he covering his chest?? lol! he's gonna get raped!
07-07-13 03:41:59
yrquah ::: Favorites
song hye kyo is so pretty, seriously!
07-07-26 15:25:14
liLpinKie90 ::: Favorites
they really are like a married couple
07-08-01 00:20:11
ChibiLover14 ::: Favorites
Aww... he's so sweet now.. The whole "rape" thing was funny. lol
07-08-06 01:07:00
classicwallflower ::: Favorites
aw! i love how he dances!
07-08-06 03:03:59
malditaphil21 ::: Favorites
RAIN is soo cute
07-08-06 10:06:48
aquagurl27 ::: Favorites
grandma is funny! funny, funny, funny... hehehe... ^.~
07-08-18 18:24:42
mckue ::: Favorites
omgosh...he starting to have feelings for her!
07-08-22 14:04:14

Si de amor ya no se muere - GOT Almeria

Duration: 03:08 minutes
Upload Time: 07-01-06 11:48:46
User: javiervenezuela
:::: Favorites

Si de amor ya no se muere en GOT Almeria video descargable en

velvetdreams ::: Favorites
why she has to be this damn good?!hahahaha... way to go chenoa!!!
07-01-30 23:30:16
conespuma ::: Favorites
es una diosa chenoa... es la mejor!!!!
07-04-09 20:48:51
danyflamenco ::: Favorites
me encanta esta cancion ole ese manuel carrasco y chenoa uff que voy a decir de lo mejor
07-04-19 19:09:05
chelomas ::: Favorites
Muy bien interpretado y chenoa muy sexi.
07-05-20 23:59:33
Geppeilgrassone ::: Favorites
Bellissima interpretazione di 'Non si può morire dentro' del nostro mitico Gianni Bella! VIVA l'ITALIA!!! E i nostri fratelli di SPAGNA!!!
07-06-17 05:33:33
pe84lu ::: Favorites
Muy bonito, no se puede ser mas tierno :__)
07-07-24 19:46:06
felicidad22 ::: Favorites
la mejooor Chenoa!!!! Manuel Carrasco cant muy bien tambien y encima tiene unos verdes preciosos es wapisimo suerte a los dosss ARRIBA CHENOA!!!
07-08-07 04:48:19
GERMAGONY ::: Favorites
Este la mejor cancio de estos dos chicos me encata lo que dice la letra sobre el tema del amor y desamor
07-08-07 22:50:04
javiervenezuela ::: Favorites
si si gracias!
07-08-08 17:43:35