Wednesday, August 15, 2007


Duration: 02:41 minutes
Upload Time: 06-09-05 20:21:12
User: hinfriends
:::: Favorites


完全娛樂20060328--王仁甫最新消息 328赴上海拍戲囉

Duration: 02:59 minutes
Upload Time: 06-07-03 21:52:47
User: hinfriends
:::: Favorites

完全娛樂20060328--王仁甫最新消息 328赴上海拍戲囉

金G金曲排行榜20060527--你最珍貴--Linda 仁甫

Duration: 03:18 minutes
Upload Time: 06-08-02 12:34:43
User: hinfriends
:::: Favorites

金G金曲排行榜20060527--你最珍貴--Linda 仁甫

wywz ::: Favorites
06-11-14 07:13:44
tikkibierga ::: Favorites
Zax is awesome
07-01-14 22:57:45
cmj85 ::: Favorites
renfu is great and shuai
07-02-14 20:44:32
dongniliu93 ::: Favorites
renfu is made for singing !
07-08-14 09:35:10

2007[V] 高雄 LeParty 樂派對--潘瑋柏--誰是MVP

Duration: 04:00 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-27 04:06:43
User: hinfriends
:::: Favorites

2007[V] 高雄 LeParty 樂派對--潘瑋柏--誰是MVP

完全娛樂20060731--FIR飛行部落發片 飛 阿沁深情對唱

Duration: 02:32 minutes
Upload Time: 06-09-26 01:45:15
User: hinfriends
:::: Favorites

完全娛樂20060731--FIR飛行部落發片 飛 阿沁深情對唱


Duration: 01:09 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-15 21:44:02
User: hinfriends
:::: Favorites



Duration: 06:42 minutes
Upload Time: 06-05-20 09:19:11
User: hinfriends
:::: Favorites



Duration: 03:08 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-18 10:10:20
User: hinfriends
:::: Favorites


smileLG ::: Favorites
he's really good wonder if he going to have a album
07-07-18 11:41:00
dotkyo ::: Favorites
hes going to have one coming out
07-08-14 22:27:48
tung2sai ::: Favorites
that is one powerful voice.
07-07-20 00:56:20

完全娛樂20060621--JR孟哲完娛主播的秘密 無厘頭主播奇貨篇

Duration: 01:05 minutes
Upload Time: 06-08-19 03:33:25
User: hinfriends
:::: Favorites

完全娛樂20060621--JR孟哲完娛主播的秘密 無厘頭主播奇貨篇

Bart Finge

Duration: 00:22 minutes
Upload Time: 07-02-23 20:34:47
User: correoyahoo
:::: Favorites

Bart Finge estar enfermo en el Examen .:.LoLO.:.

mapi001 ::: Favorites
07-02-25 19:22:47
mielo92 ::: Favorites
pon la parte donde dice que esta enfermo de la prostata
07-05-06 05:36:47


Duration: 05:49 minutes
Upload Time: 07-05-31 11:58:55
User: marukoismaru
:::: Favorites


phoopiglet ::: Favorites
This is such a sad MV and song :( but Nicholas looked so good in this MV, and so sweet when he's trying to kiss the girl at the phone booth. Glad it's a good ending though :) really excited to get Nicholas's new album!!! Thanks for sharing!
07-05-31 21:50:52
jjaanniiee ::: Favorites
who is this girl in the mv?
07-06-01 15:23:47
greentea1314 ::: Favorites
its race wong from singer
07-06-02 02:56:23
shelleyli ::: Favorites
Very good voice...pretty good song...not good-looking singer...
07-06-01 19:47:35
XiaozAngelz ::: Favorites
Lol race use this video to put in her blog!!
07-08-05 06:57:46

Avenida de Sevilla

Duration: 00:41 minutes
Upload Time: 06-12-14 13:40:23
User: sevillaclick
:::: Favorites

Estado de la nueva Avenida de la Constitución de Sevilla tras las obras del tranvía


Duration: 02:11 minutes
Upload Time: 06-06-22 05:43:51
User: hinfriends
:::: Favorites


xaritahkoxta ::: Favorites
who is the guy with the white jacket??? he is so cute ^^
07-07-18 13:34:38

完全娛樂20070117--撈金魚 打彈珠 黃立行vs阿娟大車拼

Duration: 03:38 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-09 09:57:12
User: hinfriends
:::: Favorites

完全娛樂20070117--撈金魚 打彈珠 黃立行vs阿娟大車拼

183club A Date so sweet MV

Duration: 02:38 minutes
Upload Time: 06-01-22 20:29:44
User: hinfriends
:::: Favorites

183club A Date so sweet MV

cute2005 ::: Favorites
wow! a very nice song! mingdao acts quite good ah, but i need to see the video a few times to understand this. the little girl in front got say things but cannot see the words, very sad.
06-01-24 07:20:47
cute2005 ::: Favorites
got 2nd part?
06-01-24 09:34:53
fiestyA ::: Favorites
sweet video, their all gorgeous, can't wait for the new tv series, thanks.
06-01-27 19:20:01
hariyani512 ::: Favorites
I LOVE THIS VIDEO! thx for uploading!!!!
06-02-05 02:18:23
happyofyou2006 ::: Favorites
i want to dowload!!!please help me!!!!
06-02-07 05:30:16
yalu ::: Favorites
06-02-10 13:49:18
dadhiltonmps ::: Favorites
The gentle, soothing music really works well with your visuals. Easy flowing and incredibly effective video. I liked the easily understandable music's recording level. "cat"
06-07-16 01:59:07
Dandelian ::: Favorites
This mv is amazing. All the guys is so handsome!!!!!=p
06-07-23 20:56:33
narutofan14 ::: Favorites
it was okay, but i only like afew of thier songs.i like them only wit the other group of grl singers called chi duo hua.they had a movie made together.(prince to frog)
06-08-30 17:16:35

Sevilla y el Sevilla FC

Duration: 01:01 minutes
Upload Time: 07-05-23 09:24:46
User: sevillaclick
:::: Favorites

La ciudad el día que llegó la Segunda Copa de la UEFA

Duration: 01:21 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-11 21:00:35
User: martinbedafarkas
:::: Favorites


hobman ::: Favorites
good training vid
07-06-29 11:13:21

jr.Martin Farkaš - Patrik Valut

Duration: 02:56 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-10 22:27:35
User: martinbedafarkas
:::: Favorites


Duration: 01:26 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-30 19:19:50
User: martinbedafarkas
:::: Favorites

martin farkas czech

Re: Are you creative?

Duration: 06:04 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-10 09:57:10
User: Brazdolph
:::: Favorites

mmmm...dunno..a poem that is not so good but that was written in about 5 minutes, a verve I had after doing my response to twish´s alphabet video.I had insomnia, so I wrote about it. A insônia , Jana SV O que se faz na calada da noite Quando o silêncio é gritante E os pensamentos conflitantes? Eu procuro refletir ao invés de dormir Busco me centralizar Para poder então enfrentar Mais um dia de solidão O turbilhão do cotidiano Que se aquiesce de madrugada Não me deixa dormir Sinto-me totalmente acordada Translation Insomnia by Jana SV What do you do in the early morning When the silence is screaming And your thoughts are conflicting? I try to reflect instead of going to bed I try to centralize myself so that I can then, face another day of solitude The hustle and bustle of everyday life That goes quiet at night Won´t let me sleep I feel totally awake

Brazdolph ::: Favorites
oh, mysticdragon27, I translate it into English at the end, but it´s just a few lines of no value, they´re probably just meaningful to my own self, for they show what I felt last´s not an elaborate and well thought thing, just a blurting out, venting feelings..Thanks for popping in !
07-08-10 20:47:45
Brazdolph ::: Favorites
Thanks Einsteinskitties, but I think that wound up in the wound , going nowhere, immature amateur are much better "poems" than these scribbled lines I made last night, though they do show what I was feeling then..:o)
07-08-10 20:49:37
Brazdolph ::: Favorites
Renata, Brazdolph, Jana SV ..sou euzinha...que bom que vc ainda anda por estas bandas...está melhorzinha? Se quiser podemos conversar ao telefone, viu? bjs.
07-08-10 20:50:53
Brazdolph ::: Favorites
Why do you say another world? I didn´t get this, sorry:(
07-08-10 20:51:27
Brazdolph ::: Favorites
A realistic view of it, goodpeeper..Beijos.. Hey, these lines are perfect Portuguese by the way! lol
07-08-10 20:52:50
Brazdolph ::: Favorites
Don´t we all? :o)
07-08-10 20:53:05
deboraschannel ::: Favorites
poxa, que lindooooo! quem me dera escrever assim tão bem.. parabéns linda, vc é ótima! :) beijoo! debora
07-08-11 11:53:49
lancelotdulacbr ::: Favorites
I´ve always knew you are creative.... 5* to you Milady...xoxo
07-08-12 04:37:03
Brazdolph ::: Favorites
Thanks, Sir...HAPPY FATHER´S DAY!!! You´re the BEST father ever!
07-08-12 11:27:34
abdullahzs ::: Favorites
07-08-13 10:59:29


Duration: 03:51 minutes
Upload Time: 06-07-05 01:09:38
User: hinfriends
:::: Favorites


Ventrilo Harassment - Duke Nukem Forever

Duration: 06:41 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-28 23:53:49
User: VideoCompilerTest
:::: Favorites
Description: Please donate to

AshleyT2877 ::: Favorites
hahahahahhahahah this is the funniest
07-08-14 13:47:40
blangear ::: Favorites
i love duke nukem and throwing that in with vent harrassment is just class
07-08-14 14:04:32
CactusbIah ::: Favorites
An instant classic.
07-08-14 14:13:48
erick1450 ::: Favorites
ive got balls of steel!
07-08-14 16:24:41
Ghostychief ::: Favorites
time to kick ass and chew bubble gum...and im all out of gum so damn funny lol
07-08-14 19:00:38
mexican415 ::: Favorites
dude, your fucking awesome man, this kicked so much ass
07-08-14 22:34:30
MojoesBouncer ::: Favorites
balls balls balls balls balls of steel ive got balls of steel
07-08-14 22:40:25
killiban3000 ::: Favorites
balls of steal
07-08-15 00:37:57
tommos1 ::: Favorites
hmmm any body think that lady might have been permanently screwed up in the head by this? just a thought outside of having a laugh at some1 else's suffering. this is the internet though where suffering victims of this kind of shit is just a voice somewhere out there, its so much easier to laugh at it.
07-08-15 01:16:20
Insayanka ::: Favorites
fucking funny
07-08-15 01:52:01


Duration: 03:57 minutes
Upload Time: 06-12-01 21:47:16
User: hinfriends
:::: Favorites


What I Love ...

Duration: 03:33 minutes
Upload Time: 07-02-14 19:27:58
User: NewWarriorMan
:::: Favorites

... the sound of regular guys just singing!

Ichinisan ::: Favorites
that is a nice video, good too see someone who loves everything about his life.
07-02-15 02:03:22
Jyrow ::: Favorites
Nice work Gratz on being a grandfather... someone here in town is still going on about his... and his wife left his too... for his grandson :p He scared the crud out of me and a bunch of others because he words it as: "My wife left me for another man" So Good job :)
07-02-15 02:15:08
nickynik ::: Favorites
I love yor videos! Great job as always. NickyNik
07-02-15 03:11:45
gpearson1968 ::: Favorites
Hey NewWarriorMan, Nicely done, my friend, nicely done. And congrats on becoming a Grand-Father. Cheers, gpearson1968
07-02-15 09:02:10
JohnClaro ::: Favorites
I like it .. It's nice and simple ~ Congrats on becoming a grandfather !
07-02-16 08:20:41
PeYonka ::: Favorites
nice work! excellent.. I love Jim Belushi he's albanian like me I'd like to add that in:P hahhaa anyways great video! Congrats on becoming a grand-father
07-02-16 11:50:31
j92p ::: Favorites
good job!!!!
07-02-23 01:05:14
PeaceProfit ::: Favorites
Each one, crossing one bridge at a time, eventually brings all to the opposite side, crossing every bridge, together at the same time, brings all to meet in the middle, of the HE(ART) of peace. Heed The Voice of the Ages, trust the voice of the future, Be*Excellent to Others . . . Strength, Unity, Peaceful Change . . . One is both the mirror and the reflection, seek not to return energy, but to give light . . . Excellent*Vid's NWM, - Love*Rulz ;)
07-02-23 20:51:00
skiesdancer ::: Favorites
beautiful video
07-02-25 01:46:24
edbassmaster ::: Favorites
This video hyptnotized me?? Very captivating, good job!!
07-03-08 01:21:24

完全娛樂20070615--五月天風靡東京 粉絲禮物收不完

Duration: 02:29 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-27 08:30:24
User: hinfriends
:::: Favorites

完全娛樂20070615--五月天風靡東京 粉絲禮物收不完