Friday, September 21, 2007

lock picking 2268

Duration: 02:40 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-26 21:08:50
User: bruno2260
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bypassing master lock #140


bruno2260 ::: Favorites
You can grind down a hacksaw blade, there's how to vids on it.
07-07-16 12:25:57
Squirrels025 ::: Favorites
Is there a tool i can use other then a lockpick?
07-07-16 02:16:32
bruno2260 ::: Favorites
Ya, I fixed that, I was using MOV.FILES which has a delay on YOUTUBE. Now I use MP4 that I got from <VisualHub> (free), if you keep it under 2 min, and with my attention span that plenty of...., hey check that shiny thing out....
07-04-30 00:34:09
th55 ::: Favorites
Why is the audio like 3 seconds behide what you are actually doing?
07-04-29 11:44:02
th55 ::: Favorites
Nevermind i mastered it now
07-04-18 19:10:37
th55 ::: Favorites
I can not do it... Could you do a cutaway view?
07-04-18 18:13:57
bruno2260 ::: Favorites
You don't push anything, you actually pull or slide the right side to the left, and the left to the right. I bypassed this lock totally be accident, then it took me 20min to figure out what I did, and another 10min to do it again, know it takes only 2sec. Keep trying you'll get it!
07-03-31 09:58:59
ScaryGhost ::: Favorites
i dont know what im supposed to be pushing. can you explain how and what i actualy push?
07-03-30 21:55:50
ru33ianESI ::: Favorites
nice vid i never really thought of trying to bypass my locks but im gonna go do it now
07-03-28 17:42:28
warnell81 ::: Favorites
great vid bro
07-03-27 17:56:55

müslüm gürses - zalim

Duration: 04:24 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-23 07:19:30
User: Beyazkurt34
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müslüm gürses - zalim


OottohamanN ::: Favorites
Kurşun Adres Sormazmış peki damar ? MüsLümde Damardan AnLamaz
07-09-12 09:27:28
fcfigencihanfc ::: Favorites
Tüdanya-canimdan can iste
07-09-11 16:33:25
OottohamanN ::: Favorites
heLAL OLsun Sana.....
07-09-09 05:02:13
reddevilfrosty ::: Favorites
Aşkta Hızlı Yolda Yavaş,Müslümcüyüz Arkadaş,Ne orhan ne ferdi kimse bilmez bendeki derdi söyle müslüm baba NERDEN SEVDİM O ZALİMİ...??
07-09-07 20:04:48
reddevilfrosty ::: Favorites
Aglamayı Ferdiden,Baglamayı Orhandan,İsyanı Müslümden,Titremeyi Azerden,Yıkılmayı Mahsundan,Sevmeyi ve sevilmeyi senden öğrendim
07-09-07 20:04:08
wertuaree21 ::: Favorites
mükemmelik böyle bısey olmalı
07-09-05 07:47:09
tubhaz ::: Favorites
damara devammmmmm
07-09-03 00:03:17
radyotempo42 ::: Favorites
baba buyuksun radyods hep gozdemsın delikan bennn
07-08-27 16:19:30
nihavent2133 ::: Favorites
Cok güzel bir Ertugrul Polat eseri... Yüregine Saglik Ertugrul Baba... Seninde Müslüm Baba... Ortaokul yillarim a döndüm...
07-08-21 14:48:58
kralbenem ::: Favorites
Müslüm ßaßa Urfa Emrinde Saygılar Lord Team Balici Tinercileri
07-08-21 06:27:01

Gunz Online : Quest Level 3 (Duo) Part 1

Duration: 10:59 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-29 23:52:01
User: joeturf
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{} JaYPRiX (Server 2) {} HeyStfu (Server 2) Please Subscribe! I'll Be Making Many More Gunz Videos, Such As Tutorials On : K-Style, MovieMaking, Glitches, And Much More! {} Songs : "Nobody's Listening", "Numb", "Forgotten", "Lying From You" by Linkin Park Meet Me On Ijji/NA Gunz! Usually I'm On Quest Server 2 As JaYPRiX.


gamergg ::: Favorites
i think i saw heystfu one time
07-09-17 23:39:32
dahalonut ::: Favorites
i want that sword! sadly, im only lvl 27 :(
07-09-13 17:50:18
dahalonut ::: Favorites
gotta love RS :)
07-09-13 17:48:00
jonce128 ::: Favorites
nice man you 39lvl but your guns are real s***.( only sword are cool.)So nice video. Were can I find some quests? I m only 11 lvl.
07-09-08 14:28:04
maroonfiv3 ::: Favorites
07-09-08 12:00:05
TranceFusiionn ::: Favorites
whered u get ur crosshair aimer
07-08-30 12:18:09
27tiger ::: Favorites
hey jay it's kung_fu lol thank for puting me in one of your vids the glitches part two thing
07-08-27 22:01:50
TranceFusiionn ::: Favorites
whered u get ur cursor
07-08-27 20:48:42
joeturf ::: Favorites
its the game with the treasure chests as their icon.
07-08-20 22:37:21
Slip151knot ::: Favorites
where do u go to do a quest in the quest servers
07-08-20 15:21:46

Quarto bate-papo com Olavo de Carvalho - "lado B"

Duration: 47:45 minutes
Upload Time: 06-11-07 10:13:20
User: yurivs
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Quarto bate-papo entre o jornalista, escritor e filósofo brasileiro Olavo de Carvalho e o escritor Yuri Vieira, a respeito da situação política e moral do Brasil, e da atual conjuntura mundial. Neste "lado B" do quarto bate-papo, Olavo fala sobre literatura, escritores, Bruno Tolentino, jornalistas, EUA, ONU, globalização, capitalismo, Brasil, censura, dialética revolucionária, as duas faces de Lula, Cuba, turismo sexual, controle da Internet, homossexuais cubanos, etc. Para quem não ouviu o "Lado A":


guacobey ::: Favorites
o olavão só tá com inveja pq a revolução que estamos tendo não é a dele. Isso mesmo burgueses acéfalos, vão! fujam! deixem o brasil (destruído por vcs) para os brasileiros.
07-04-23 06:59:17
americalink ::: Favorites
3. Ora, Deus disse: Faça-se a luz e a luz foi feita. - 4. Deus viu que a luz era boa e separou a luz das trevas. meu papai do céu o Brasil tá na UTI... salve salve Olavo.
07-03-22 10:23:26
Allanbrain ::: Favorites
O Olavo é um homem inteligente, sem dúvida. O problema é sê-lo num país de bosta como o Brasil, onde um presidente se orgulha por nunca ter lido um livro em toda a sua vida. Lula deve acreditar que esse "mal" hábito burguês de ler pode lhe ser prejudicial à saúde...
06-11-29 18:03:47
galves2911 ::: Favorites
Dá medo das coisas que ele diz. Meu maior pesadelo de criança era ir para a cama e acordar num cidade cinzenta além dos Montes Urais na Sibéria e descobrir que eu havia sonhado que vivia na América do Sul mas na verdade vivia na URSS. Tenho medo que isso agora se torne verdade.
06-11-14 20:20:21
rtcarv ::: Favorites
Isso aqui virou uma terra de trapaceiros e enganadores que acenam para um futuro negro.O caos já está instalado.O negócio é vazar daqui,enquanto é tempo.
06-11-08 19:12:18
nerat ::: Favorites
Eses podcasts me deixaram num estado de realidade demais, tou ate pensando em fugir do país!! (Sem brincadeira)!
06-11-08 00:33:21
prenzier ::: Favorites
eu também! sinto-me como se tivessem tirando uma venda dos olhos...
07-01-15 04:48:09
pauloyuri ::: Favorites
Mais uma vez ele dá uma surra nos micos e macacos desse Brasil em putrefação...
06-11-07 22:05:04
procha ::: Favorites
Mais um excelente podcast. Parabéns!
06-11-07 13:10:46

Co-Ray: My Testiment To Glowsticking

Duration: 06:43 minutes
Upload Time: 06-07-31 22:53:32
User: kore1989
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This is my final planned video for the summer. I have school next week, and taking three AP classes, I need to focus on my academics for the next while. This is my testiment to glowsticking. I started practicing at the start of summer, and practiced every night until today. That's two months. Being my final planned video, I had to use the music that first got me on the scene. The exact same song, actually: DJ Baby Anne: Mixtress. This song introduced me to the genre known as electronica, and thusly led me to glowsticking. I have a big thing to thank her for that (though I doubt she'll read this). Glowsticking has changed my life, and all of those changes are only for the better. I still plan to glowstick during the schoolyear, yet I doubt I will be able to as much as I have been. Every chance I get, I will have a pair of sticks in my hand. This video is not for me. This video is not for you. This video is a dedication to the art of glowsticking. I know I'm not the best person to glowstick in a video, but I feel my feelings are sincere and pure. Finally, I want to thank those who helped me all the way. The fine folk at Without them, I'd be a nobody- Someone who had a dream of glowsticking and eventually dropped it because I didn't know where to go. Thank you all. As usual, feel free to criticise- Though I will take this criticization to heart, I want to get the point across one last time, this video is testimonial. Thats not to say that I want you to sugar coat things. I have no means to edit my videos. So, I had to be perfect in every way. That didn't really happen, but it's the thought that counts. I have focused on my traces the past while, finally got the stomach trace down actually, and such. Cut down on tosses, threw in a couple of stalls, and just tried to feel the music. I know it's not perfect, and not to toot my own horn, but I feel this video is beatiful. I have known for quite some while what my vision for this video was, and it came out very close. It is without a doubt my best video to date. And my friends, hopefully you read this and can relate to my passion; My passion for glowsticking. So, here it is: My Glowsticking Testiment.


Clockworkdroog ::: Favorites
Personally don't think it's that great, but it's just me. Granted, you have some good moves. Just when you chose to do em', doesn't really flow. Just my 2 cents though.
07-09-21 00:05:45
ginseng ::: Favorites
glowsticking in public is not the same as glowsticking to show off
07-09-11 21:04:21
Technotranceporter ::: Favorites
Anyway. This shit is tight as hell and totally old school. Way better than my jank ass shit!!
07-08-23 00:20:21
BlakcNinja ::: Favorites
No disrespect, but I don't agree. I'm not for battling of course (rave culture is for expression) but it is good to get our culture out into the open.
07-07-29 01:52:29
kore1989 ::: Favorites
I'm a little confused... GSc against what they think? They don't have to listen to GSc? I don't really understand what that means. Could you maybe put those into context or explain them for me? Also, you were part of GSc? Was there something you didn't like about it or what? What did you go by?
07-07-24 09:43:44
StealthAssasin1 ::: Favorites
i feel that, i was a member of thier site way back but i just read around and stuff. Well if you really get down to it its all perspective. If you dont glowstick in public then how will ppl know. Both pros and cons on each side but its all good. Theres no guidlines even though gsc is strongly against what they think. If this art is ment for expressing onse self then dont have to listen to gsc but its w.e. I feel what you say though.
07-07-16 19:07:17
kore1989 ::: Favorites
well, I'm gsc (glowsticking(dot)com) and we're strongly against glowsticking at school related events (talent show, dance, etc). Even if you say you're doing it for fun, deep down you're still doing it for props and popularity. Check out our site and read some of our articles to see what I'm talking about.
07-07-13 10:56:48
StealthAssasin1 ::: Favorites
you can glow stick anywhere u want man.. props just go with it. If theres a talent show and u wanna have fun and glow string then do that. Your not glow sticking for props, just for fun and props come with it. You never know, glowsticking in school events may inspire someone else to glowstick too. gj, keep it up
07-07-12 00:14:23
fred88die ::: Favorites
At least you could do freehand. I can only glowstring
07-06-27 17:25:26
irieantor ::: Favorites
work on your passes but everything else looks great
07-06-24 20:11:17


Duration: 05:02 minutes
Upload Time: 07-01-08 16:08:19
User: fehquig
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I found some old and more recent photos


dijit345 ::: Favorites
you are a man of the 70's
07-01-18 20:40:09
Marihani ::: Favorites
This reminds me - I forgot to ask - did you go to Cloverdale Elementary? You would have been 1-2 years behind me. Did you ever have Mr.Tippett? Do you know who he was? Love the pics of all the old cars!
07-01-08 23:14:43
fehquig ::: Favorites
Alas, I grew up in Montreal. I have been here only since 1992. I'm sorry that I have no idea who Mr. Tippett was... Most of those old cars were mine! I gave up on the hobby when the upkeep was flinging me into the poor house...
07-01-09 09:29:59
Marihani ::: Favorites
You missed a kick-ass teacher in him, that's for sure! If you are walking by the school one day, I would be curious to know if he is still there teaching. You need to show some better pictures of the old cars! I'll pass the vid on to hubby. His first? A Ford Anglia! With that crazy backwards rear window! Haha!
07-01-09 21:28:21
2oobwatcher ::: Favorites
beautifully done ☺
07-01-08 17:12:30
2oobwatcher ::: Favorites
beautifully done ☺
07-01-08 17:11:15
thesmiths1013 ::: Favorites
wow, what a handsome guy you are!
07-01-08 16:29:56

Rihanna - 'Shut Up And Drive'

Duration: 04:38 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-20 12:37:36
User: AdamD601
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The song 'Shut Up And Drive' from Rihanna's third album 'Good Girl Gone Bad', with lyrics.


xxfireages ::: Favorites
omgosh, if this is one of your favorite songs, i love you =] this'z my fav. song 4 suer. =] postive comment me =] Luv yyyou.
07-09-21 08:33:50
xXlollidreamzXx ::: Favorites
Nice song i love it too much .
07-09-20 23:09:05
i think is sooo wannaby what is she trying to be r&b or rock?! make up youre mind girl!! rock is the best! i stil love this song love!!
07-09-20 07:52:51
iluvvnickjonas122 ::: Favorites
i love rihanna but she sounded really bad live at the mtv music awards but i still love her!!!
07-09-18 23:05:19
rebstherockstar101 ::: Favorites
Good song
07-09-18 15:10:50
angelgrl12321 ::: Favorites
07-09-17 17:57:01
mdm078 ::: Favorites
riahnna is so cool i luv her songs i recomend umbrela-supermodle girl
07-09-14 22:18:56
bubblypom ::: Favorites
this is the best video on youtube!!!!!make 5000 more! or even 5000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
07-09-14 15:33:22
lolies1993 ::: Favorites
ME TOO!!!!!!!
07-09-12 17:28:35
hyperboy9 ::: Favorites
07-09-11 22:31:03

Super Mario Galaxy (HoneyBee Galaxy)

Duration: 10:08 minutes
Upload Time: 07-09-06 08:04:44
User: JeuxFranceTrailer
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New Super Mario Galaxy video on the HoneyBee Galaxy.


HeroAgahforce4 ::: Favorites
this game looks awsome!
07-09-17 06:13:03
stormsky7753 ::: Favorites
That is an awesome video for that game! Anyone here Halo Fans? I bet most of you are.  I'm getting my copy of Halo 3 for free at halo3.wantsDOTit(replace DOT with .) I also get a free xbox 360 elite system. Everyone better go get there copy for free too at: halo3.wantsDOTit(replace DOT with .)
07-09-11 22:04:28
ElCapoUnico ::: Favorites
Could that guy seriously not get up on that at 1:30 XD
07-09-11 18:22:44
Nextwave06 ::: Favorites
Controls and gameplay look way too all over the place...
07-09-10 18:45:41
Swade93 ::: Favorites
This will be the best game on Wii! November 19th for me here in the UK!
07-09-10 14:29:35
ElCapoUnico ::: Favorites
This is why Im gettin a Wii. The music on this game and just the general feeling of this game makes you feel happy. I cant wait till I buy the Wii.
07-09-10 00:42:46
fagiolone83 ::: Favorites
ao ma sto stronzo in mezo ali cojoni nn ve lo potevate risparmiare??? e che cazzo! e poi quello che gioca diteje de dasse all'ippica! fuck
07-09-09 15:36:57
ourwreckage ::: Favorites
07-09-07 07:18:24
Hexamethylenetetrami ::: Favorites
amazing man :D this game looks awesome :D
07-09-06 20:06:32
fireorb2 ::: Favorites
so cool!
07-09-06 16:33:39

Kadaj singing thumbelina

Duration: 01:06 minutes
Upload Time: 06-02-02 06:09:32
User: LokiPii
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Another scene in the movie............ You know you facking love it.


jinyukichan ::: Favorites
lol pag chur oi lol i was expecting he'd sing "SOON" Hehehehe but hey still cool..
07-06-26 04:28:37
Satsu02 ::: Favorites
Hehe so great xD
07-05-20 09:11:50
ffviisephirothsgirl ::: Favorites
*sways with music* Great song choice! Kadaj has such a dreamy voice!
07-03-04 12:23:23
Duszka ::: Favorites
wow demented in a very funny way
07-02-21 23:06:59
oOpotatoesforeverOo ::: Favorites
OMFG! That was awesome! 5 stars for funnyness factor! -claps-
07-01-09 22:37:54
GeXJ09 ::: Favorites
Haha! I thought it was going to be stupid but that was funny! Well done, I want to make one as good!
06-11-12 19:04:46
Kinaii ::: Favorites
hahaha that's great ^___^
06-05-26 20:27:34
RaspberryIzam ::: Favorites
omg I loved it ^^
06-05-24 20:26:43
blahblahblah512 ::: Favorites
Nice sync! Love it! <3
06-05-04 03:03:56
lilwitch666 ::: Favorites
Oh you HE HE
06-04-06 16:51:00

VW banned tv commercial Bollocks

Duration: 00:40 minutes
Upload Time: 06-10-08 14:48:15
User: guvnor982
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VW Bollocks tv banned tv commercial


LippyProductions ::: Favorites
Thats not chavs you dick. Thats scousers...
07-08-13 10:27:20
Velktron ::: Favorites
She'll probably become a chav when she grows up, and say things like "bollocks, mayte"
07-07-30 18:37:44
diplexbullet19 ::: Favorites
ok for people who dont know what bollocks is its a crude word for testicles
07-07-27 17:38:14
UKChris012 ::: Favorites
I thought while watching this that the ad would end saying that the new Passat is *the dog's bollocks*. Bit disappointed really.
07-07-03 08:15:53
illinidorry ::: Favorites
im guessing its means shit, crap, damn or soemthing of that nature
07-07-02 23:03:44
maryjoe25 ::: Favorites
bolas!! that is how you say it in spanish
07-06-28 17:26:23
maryjoe25 ::: Favorites
what the hell is bollocks?
07-06-28 17:22:28
ciornianucristian ::: Favorites
they banned manhunt and didn't banned fear, i am so not surprised...
07-06-28 09:13:09
ciornianucristian ::: Favorites
wtf does bollocks mean ?!
07-06-28 09:12:47
redlinefever420 ::: Favorites
Haha...It's a funny commercial. It got banned b/c of the scene of the girl in the bathroom. You know you'd hear some controversy about that here in the US.
07-06-27 01:52:04


Duration: 00:49 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-01 22:05:13
User: ededdneddy1
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watch it its very good!!! its about caillou hope you like it!!!


rockterrier ::: Favorites
just retire it!!! get a life!!
07-09-17 17:18:08
MNBY123 ::: Favorites
07-09-10 21:34:01
arozconleche4 ::: Favorites
07-09-02 16:28:27
icscream ::: Favorites
07-09-02 03:21:10
Loadedkid ::: Favorites
No, it'd be really funny if his cat died then he fucked it.
07-08-20 13:29:28
o0virusoflife0o ::: Favorites
hi five man. =]
07-08-17 13:50:13
eViLoReO242 ::: Favorites
haha i am also 15 and love this show!!!! its awsome ithikn they should make caillous mom pregnant that would be hilaruos the where do babies come from episode
07-08-17 11:06:43
o0virusoflife0o ::: Favorites
hahaha!!! im 15 and i love Caillou!!!!!! its funny! my nephew loves this show.. it would be kinda funny if this kid grew up to be a burnout and hate his parents... =] LMAO!!!! XD
07-08-16 21:11:45
snorreproductions ::: Favorites
this is for retard kids hwo don't have a life and have to smal brains to understand other programs... caillou = handicap
07-08-15 12:00:48
67holla ::: Favorites
This show makes me mad but it's funny.
07-08-15 11:08:12

Sakin Erin - Brown Bag Lecture (Part 1 of 3)

Duration: 19:09 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-21 07:35:57
User: lisasimpson
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The Emergence of Today's World System: The Ottoman Empire's Role Today's world system emerged at the turn of 16th century in Europe. As the Ottomans expanded in Europe and Asia, trade was facilitated between the West and East, which triggered the emergence of today's world system. The interaction between the Ottomans and the Europeans in the form of politics, culture, and military, coupled with the discovery of the America, generated a new world system. This talk analyzes the components of this system, known as globalization, from a non-European perspective to help us better understand the current transformation that the system is undergoing. Presented by Sakin Erin on April 11, 2007 at Eastern Michigan University. Sakin is a good friend of mine and he has been working on this a long time. I am very proud of his accomplishments, and I am extremely happy to help his family in other parts of the world see this!! :)


alphasamet ::: Favorites
helal olsun,, başarılar diliyorum..........
07-07-11 12:25:10
lisasimpson ::: Favorites
The room was PACKED! I actually felt uncomfortable filming others without their permission, so I kept the camera focused on the speaker. But that would make for a silly video! Thanks for watching!!
07-05-01 00:03:01
canadianrainbow ::: Favorites
What would be funny is if the camera guy moved the camera to the rest of the room and find it empty. That his students were imaginary LOL.
07-04-30 23:24:18
lisasimpson ::: Favorites
It's such a dump, yet I have such a soft spot in my heart for that building.
07-04-26 01:49:51
chickenwing911 ::: Favorites
oh pray harrold...
07-04-25 22:07:33
commentingshebitch ::: Favorites
this is fascinating
07-04-24 15:24:51
zimbabwe7 ::: Favorites
Looks like the bulk of the comments are here so..great lecture. it would be interesting to have an open discussion with Sakin on world politics. I particularly liked his view that the discovery of the america was the end of the history. Makes you think. Now to rest my brain:)
07-04-24 11:18:56
knightchik ::: Favorites
Dude I didn't know you knew Beccah. The world is TINY.
07-04-21 15:37:28
Zea107 ::: Favorites
Wallerstein... the more books of his I read the more I became convinced that he wasn't exactly "sane".
07-04-21 14:01:32
toejam1970 ::: Favorites
he's talking about a few hundred years before I sort of qualified in history especially the economic after ww11 it was very interesting
07-04-21 12:55:26

Arashi Jun Dancing

Duration: 02:04 minutes
Upload Time: 06-02-09 01:59:11
User: FunkadelicsInc
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Arashi Jun Dancing (EH KAWAII!)


michsuarez ::: Favorites
omg! i can't stop laughing but even though! jun is still hot!
07-09-15 03:52:56
KynaLynn67 ::: Favorites
why does this crack me up?!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA....just awesome.
07-08-08 11:10:01
SsiKNusS ::: Favorites
wow,,,he's hot! whew!
07-07-29 03:29:11
Hilaryfan4ever ::: Favorites
i like juns gangsta side hah xD
07-07-12 21:12:49
plantersjunior ::: Favorites
he's not as good as ohno, though.
07-04-16 00:43:35
akirakon ::: Favorites
Jun oh Jun. I like his fingers effing much.
07-03-13 04:12:23
SlyVietGirl ::: Favorites
wow jun is so hot! i would sooo love to meet him!
07-02-24 16:21:42
bubblegumint04 ::: Favorites
07-02-21 02:57:50
kaichiGIRL ::: Favorites
he was so young!
07-02-19 22:41:08
wnndy ::: Favorites
wow he's good.. what is this from?
07-02-06 18:38:14