Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Leave OJ Alone!

Duration: 01:15 minutes
Upload Time: 07-09-17 14:21:53
User: webgigolo
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Chris Crocker wants you to leave OJ alone now. Get more at

djperl ::: Favorites
wow what a fucking ass hole. she should get show and shot again like who the fuck does she think she is like shut up no one wants to even head the name brittney spears because shes a fucking whore/fag/slut/bitch/shmuck in the world and so is this person whos bitching at us for talking shit. like what a emo. why doesnt she just cut her throat. like wow she is so fucking enoying. any one have a bazzoka. like i wulodnt be saying this shit if she wasnt so fucking stuped. and whiney
07-09-19 10:04:50
Jose5k ::: Favorites
just so it's known, the video is voiced over; it's the same feed as the Britney one, but different audio. I assume this was done for teh funny :D "You're lucky he even murdered for you bastards!!" XD lol
07-09-19 09:59:58
eatinghotfries ::: Favorites
you sound like him or her wtf ever that shit is. HERM=her/him
07-09-19 09:58:16
mcsoilder ::: Favorites
wow wata douche....
07-09-19 07:54:58
MsPrissy666 ::: Favorites
Oh pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee......... LMAO
07-09-19 07:30:13
iluvpigss ::: Favorites
god stop crying!!!! first britney now dis!!! ur a fuc*en cry baby!!!!
07-09-19 06:56:29
ariel4247 ::: Favorites
What the hell dose he-_-;;
07-09-19 06:30:56
ariel4247 ::: Favorites
What the hell dose he -_-;;;
07-09-19 06:30:12
joseg2143 ::: Favorites
hahahahahahaha fucking brilliant!!!
07-09-19 06:10:35
BakedPotato1 ::: Favorites
that was part of the comedy i guess you dont have any sence of humor and i sugjest you go kill yourself
07-09-19 06:03:56

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