Saturday, September 22, 2007

Sithcamaro suspended

Duration: 02:02 minutes
Upload Time: 07-09-09 16:26:36
User: geroldkid
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I doubt it was because of his likeness to Jack Sparrow, I mean...He made the costume from scratch. UPDATE: Sith's new channel.


geroldkid ::: Favorites
Thank you good sir! I was a bit worried he wouldn't make a new account.
07-09-17 18:28:11
jmpnjacksparrow ::: Favorites
His new youtube name is now under tobymarkham
07-09-17 18:05:59
bobafetteffedu ::: Favorites
Like, who freaking cares?! This guy is posting his video blog of someone elses problem. Maybe Toby wouldn't like his business spread around. Whatever, it's not like he can pull off Jack anyways. Good ridence to bad rubbish! -Yours Truly, Big Balls Boba Fett PS: This guy is still rambling on!!! JEEZ!!!
07-09-17 11:29:27
ZoneSpaceZ ::: Favorites
Well, maybe this guy just wants to know what happened to Sith and it's none of your buisness if you're just gonna act like a giant bitch about it. It's a bit like the Nick Gisbourne situation, he got suspended and everyone went apeshit and had every right too. Therefore, the audience should ask questions if their entertainer is mysterious suspended. As a bit of a Sith fan myself, I care. Don't like it, then just shut up.
07-09-17 12:02:53
scorchedcandy ::: Favorites
First LittleKuriboh and now Sithcamaro!? Arrrgh! It's not fair!
07-09-16 01:48:06
geroldkid ::: Favorites
I know the feeling. I could see LittleKuriboh getting suspended sooner or later(although it's still frustrating), but Sithcamaro? Something's up with YT.
07-09-17 12:01:10
geroldkid ::: Favorites
His new channel is now tobymarkham. The link is in my description.
07-09-17 18:30:31
bobafetteffedu ::: Favorites
07-09-16 01:16:56
ZoneSpaceZ ::: Favorites
Ohh, a critic.
07-09-16 01:40:53
geroldkid ::: Favorites
I bet it is. 3000 or 4000 subscribers and all of sudden banned? I hope it is a mistake and YT will give him his channel back.
07-09-09 20:33:21

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