Duration: 00:5 minutes Upload Time: 2006-08-05 10:09:01 User: BI30 :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: So what did all those soldiers die for? More than four years and 2200 dead soldiers later, President Bush admits to the public that his "War on Terror" has been a complete and total failure. From his 2006 State of the Union address. Visit the BI30 Blog: blog.bi30.org |
Comments | |
warhater ::: Favorites Bush,& his lying henchman do much more than just disrespect America-lying re: invading Iraq; lying re: Iraq occupation; not protecting U.S. Constitution; outing CIA agent & sbsequent coverup; lying re: how long U.S. is 2 B in Iraq; Continued icompetence in Katrina handling, etc. Wher have U been? We're talking treason & High Crimes & Misdemeanors. 07-06-20 15:05:41 __________________________________________________ | |
spentpeon ::: Favorites By admitting the enemy hasn't lost desire or ability - he's admitting that his efforts have been ineffective. That means he has "failed". But actually busy hasn't failed in other areas: Bush has succeeded at helping enemies recruit more enemies. Bush has succeeded at alienating most of the Western World. Bush has succeeded at profiting companies like Exxon/Mobil, Halliburton, Blackwater, & KBR. So you see - Bush is a winner. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!! 07-05-31 13:24:59 __________________________________________________ | |
BI30 ::: Favorites (LOL) Okay, first off, this was from his 2006 State of the Union speech... about 55 minutes long. You want the full speech, Google it. As for the "context", I've responded to that numerous times already and it's getting old. "One million Kurds"? Not even close. Google that too while you're at it. Bush's invasion has killed fives times more Iraqi's is 1/10 as many years. And if you need to so many drop F-bombs to make your point, you've already lost the argument. 07-04-08 21:47:37 __________________________________________________ | |
metallicacliff ::: Favorites Fuck you. he killed over one million Kurds. go fuck yourself. how dare you disgrace this good president. show the whole speache cunt. this was a disrespect to everyone over there. let me tell you a little story. do you know anything aobut the politics of the civil war. if you do you would relize that after the first year everyone wanted the civil war to stop. what if it did what if it fucking did. you little peace of shit if we pull out we will regret it. 07-04-07 21:34:04 __________________________________________________ | |
unforgiven31634 ::: Favorites i'm aware of what bush said yeah it was wrong for him to give up on looking for OBL and the UN is the one standing up to him which is very sad to say because they cant grab their ass with both hands. 07-03-24 17:40:46 __________________________________________________ | |
unforgiven31634 ::: Favorites Thanks for what you said about my dad and my bro is no longer in iraq..but iraq was never really democratic they could not hold free elections like we can it was a dictatorship and alot of ppl dont realize that. in a sense saddam was not a terriost he didnt not go around blowing up other nations but he did kill his own people. and i really dont care if saddam had anything to do with 9-11 07-03-24 17:39:32 __________________________________________________ | |
BI30 ::: Favorites While I hope your dad and brother return safely, Iraq was stable and (arguably) Democratic before we went in. Saddam was not a terrorist (no ties to 9/11 or al-Qaeda. Check my other videos.) Removing Saddam removed the only check we had on Iran. Meanwhile, SIX MONTHS after 9/11, Bush was "no longer concerned" about OBL, who is still out there, plotting his next attack. Who's "standing up" to him? 07-03-23 10:05:38 __________________________________________________ | |
unforgiven31634 ::: Favorites what i think a "win" is may be different to you...but a stable and democratic iraq with our troops home and my dad is serving in iraq right now 07-03-22 16:35:38 __________________________________________________ | |
BI30 ::: Favorites Define "win". 07-03-18 23:27:21 __________________________________________________ | |
unforgiven31634 ::: Favorites i dont care is saddam had anything to do with the 911 attacks or not its about damn time somebody stood up to terriost and this war is not a failure you need to talk to people whos been there like my dad and my brother we will win but if people stop supporting the troops yea then we will lose fuckin retards! 07-03-18 19:22:25 __________________________________________________ |
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Bush publicly admits War on Terror A TOTAL FAILURE! (2006)
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