Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Operation Plumbbob Nevada Test Site 1957 (colored version)

Duration: 04:49 minutes
Upload Time: 07-01-13 16:50:05
User: TitusFlavius79
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Operation Plumbbob, conducted between May 28 and October 7, 1957, represented the biggest, longest, and most controversial nuclear test series in the history of the Nevada Test Site (NTS). The operation was the sixth test series and consisted of 29 detonations, of which two did not produce any nuclear yield. 21 laboratories and government agencies were involved. While most Operation Plumbbob tests contributed to the development of warheads for intercontinental and intermediate range missiles, they also tested air defense and anti-submarine warheads with small yields. They included 43 military effects tests on civil and military structures, radiation and bio-medical studies, and aircraft structural tests. Operation Plumbbob had the tallest tower tests to date in the U.S. nuclear testing program, as well as high-altitude balloon tests. One nuclear test involved the largest troop maneuver ever associated with U.S. nuclear testing. Approximately 18,000 members of the U.S. armed forces participated in exercises Desert Rock VII and VIII during Operation Plumbbob. The military was interested in knowing how the average foot-soldier would stand up, physically and psychologically, to the rigors of the tactical nuclear battlefield. Studies were conducted of radiation contamination and fallout from a simulated accidental detonation of a weapon; and projects concerning earth motion, blast loading and neutron output were carried out. Nuclear weapons safety experiments were conducted to study the possibility of a nuclear weapon detonation during an accident. On July 26, 1957, a safety experiment, "Pascal-A" was detonated in an unstemmed hole at NTS, becoming the first underground shaft nuclear test. The knowledge gained here would provide data to prevent nuclear yields in case of accidential detonations, for example a plane crash. The first detonation contained underground, "Rainier", was conducted on September 19, 1957, containing all radioactive products underground, thus producing no fallout. This test of 1.7 kilotons could be detected around the world by seismologists using ordinary seismic instruments. The Rainier test became the prototype for larger and more powerful underground tests. The test also subjected toughened weapons to the fireball underground. Plumbbob released 58,300 kilocuries (2.16 EBq) of radioiodine (I-131) into the atmosphere. This produced total civilian radiation exposures amounting to 120 million person-rads of thyroid tissue exposure (about 32% of all exposure due to continental nuclear tests). This can be expected to eventually cause or have caused about 38,000 cases of thyroid cancer, leading to some 1900 deaths. [citation needed] In addition, troop exercises conducted near the ground near shot "Smoky" exposed over three thousand servicemen to relatively high levels of radiation. Note: A study in 1980 found significantly elevated rates of leukemia among the soldiers surveyed (ten cases were found, instead of the baseline expected four).


medje350 ::: Favorites
pigs, moron
07-10-09 18:34:41
Pitdroit2 ::: Favorites
Poor sheep.
07-10-09 15:11:00
deltaalpha21074 ::: Favorites
Love the white suits guys -what does that do keep you from getting dirty??? Not much help from stopping the ? Gamma and Beta radiation from shooting straight through your bodies at Ground Zero....wonder how many of these guys went sterile or died in 60's and 70's from Cancer and other Radiation illness.
07-10-07 20:56:25
deltaalpha21074 ::: Favorites
I like it sounds great very nice kinda like Irish type of metal I like it thanks! Sounds good! Night wish by the way My Uncle believe it or not old guy working delivering mail was a General manger of Welding for a US major welding company helped install the Titans while in US Airforce in 60s.
07-10-07 20:53:01
daltonagre ::: Favorites
This video has an excellent music.
07-10-07 16:35:13
yeeeow ::: Favorites
Good vid...had to turn sound off to get rid of annoying noise, (music?)
07-10-07 01:01:50
ViperFace ::: Favorites
Song is Nemo by Nightwish
07-10-05 18:11:44
deltaalpha21074 ::: Favorites
seen the vidio hundreds of times who sings this song love the music?
07-10-04 23:55:24
almightygreg ::: Favorites
err.... kinda sick some people are watching this for pleasure, but I guess it is horribly beautiful. I don't see exactly how those people would die if there was no direct or indirect contact with the bombing area. It's not like they test it in their backyard. All the same, it's pretty scary that they test it at all. Thanks for putting this on youtube - interresting...
07-10-01 12:51:50
oddball1973 ::: Favorites
They reckon approximately 30000 people die as a consequence of every nuke test conducted through cancer and other associated illnesses
07-09-24 17:38:16

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