Sunday, February 17, 2008

Kountless Katastrophes

Duration: 10:46 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-04-16 18:19:54
User: PerryLogan

As recounted by Perry Logan of the Democrat Party


Naturyl  2008-01-12 10:02:53

You should see my teeth. I'm going to skip another bath in your honor, and after that, you're buying me a beer with your tax money. How generous of you! Sorry you can't be there, but I'll raise a toast to Marx for you.
PerryLogan  2007-08-28 13:41:38

Do you like it? It comes from eating the brains of right-wing perverts.
Camdenyardbird  2007-08-28 13:28:35

Nice choppers, Gramps. Haven't seen that shade of yellowish-green, since the time I stomped-in the skull of some smelly, cowardly, hippy liberal with poor hygiene. Consult a dentist and get a haircut, loser Marxist.
lnfantryofficer  2007-08-26 21:43:03

Democrats are just the other face of the same coin. The same forces that turned out the republicans have also done so in the Democratic party. No matter who comes into office next it is not going to be pretty.
thysbes  2007-05-01 16:30:24

No where, is that failure more apparent than in their attempts at social engineering.Yes, no child left behind is quickly becoming another junked attempt to get out of paying for what you get.These programs are beginning to fail.Collusion is a hallmark of all corporate sponsored institutions.What is the alternative? The government gets it's act together and we give the great society plan one more shot.But this time we watch every penny spent and cut programs that aren't working.

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