Friday, October 12, 2007

Songs of Innocence Nasheed Video-Talib al-Habib

Duration: 06:58 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-09-29 20:13:38
User: nazimayusuf
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Brilliant Nasheed video of Songs of Innocence by Talib al-Habib. Just released on the Nur al-Habib Productions website. Please visit the website for more information on Talib al-Habib's new video and his latest release 'Rahma' this Ramadhan 2006. Filmed on location in the picturesque mountains and valleys of Wales, the 'Songs of Innocence' video tells the short but meaningful tale of a father's long journey home to his family. It has been filmed more as a story than a typical music video, with the nasheed serving as its soundtrack (which is why you never actually see Talib singing). It attempts to highlight some of the themes that underlie Songs of Innocence: love, innocence, contemplation, spiritual journeying and eventual return. We hope you will enjoy the result...


RIZZYrulez4LYF ::: Favorites
great nasheed :D
07-09-28 15:43:33
Slicksurvivor ::: Favorites
mashallah! May Allah Enlighten the hearts of my brovs and sisters by listenin to this song (Ameen)
07-09-25 10:10:40
lalalemouna ::: Favorites
it is very beautiful. mashallah. this song contains drums, which are ok to use in songs/nasheeds.
07-09-23 14:14:13
SubhanAllahAlAzeem ::: Favorites
Assalamu Alaikum Ramadan Mubarak to everyone! Check out my video of his other nasheed and increase your zhikr of Allah: /watch?v=gv-p-jVNrtw
07-09-22 21:19:56
drygrape ::: Favorites
07-09-22 08:48:05
skuk21 ::: Favorites
just drums which are allowed :-)
07-09-21 06:53:53
drygrape ::: Favorites
mashallah i luv it!!! iv got more talib habib nasheed in my folder
07-09-18 11:27:17
samuraijx ::: Favorites
wish there were more videos like this, it helps me cope up with being surrounded by non-Muslims. it keeps me in touch w/ who i am, alot of my Christian friends love it too.
07-09-14 01:02:54
amalmar ::: Favorites
i like this song , nice thanks for posting
07-09-10 04:23:17
ajwadate ::: Favorites
salam, i read that he has two daughters, maybe they're the ones in the video?
07-09-07 22:55:38

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